Könnte bitte nicht jemand an die Senioren denken?



  1. OutsideFlat1579 on

    This is an excellent article that lays out all the facts, and explains why increasing OAS for all seniors when most don’t need an additional $73 a month is ludicrous, and that helping struggling seniors through the GIS would be a far smarter approach if the goal is to help seniors who need it. 

  2. dongbeinanren on

    He’s my MP and while I find the idea of voting for the Liberals somewhat distasteful at this point, I’ve got to vote for Nate, he’s the most sensible one of the lot. 

  3. It’s wild that the CCB disappears at nearly half of the family income that OAS will allow before clawing back 100%. F the kids, I guess??

    The Me Generation is beyond greedy at this point. If you add up OAS, GIS, the federal health transfer (mostly going to senior care), and interest payments, there sure isn’t much left for us losers born after 1965…that’s gotta be almost a third of federal spending!

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