Die USA und Großbritannien starten Luftangriffe mit Kampfflugzeugen und Schiffen auf die vom Iran unterstützten Huthi-Rebellen im Jemen



    1. coffeespeaking on

      Good news. I’m tired of living in a world increasingly controlled by religious nut jobs.

    2. hoocoodanode on

      Hama, Hezbollah, Houthis…how many other terrorist groups are being sponsored by Iran?

    3. No_Glove2128 on

      Now how about both of them do the same to Iran.
      I’m tired of the Iran bullshit it’s been going on for far to long they need to be put in there place. You don’t get to just launch missiles at another country
      Without consensus. That means War. I hope Israel and the rest of the world sees this for what it is
      And eliminate them from everything

    4. Creative_Valuable362 on

      Does Houthis have a organized leadership like hezbollah and hamas?

    5. Enough-Parking164 on

      Messing with worldwide commerce is suicide.Makes you EVERYONE’s enemy.Big cargo ships carry all the worlds essential goods,including food and medicine.

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