Die USA nehmen die Produktion von Atomsprengköpfen mit der ersten Plutoniumgrube seit 35 Jahren wieder auf



  1. I don’t want
    to set the

    But maybe just a little bit.

  2. Workaroundtheclock on

    Oh man, the sentinel program is going to cost an eye watering amount of money.

  3. tackle_bones on

    I mean… deference. Fuck Russia. And China… you think they’re not doing the same sans environmental controls?

    Edit: deterrence*

  4. DarkBlueMermaid on

    I feel like this is headed backwards from where we want it to go

  5. Hot-Implement9915 on

    A necessary evil. This is a part of maintaining credible deterrance. All devices degrade. Cars, hard drive, and ICBMs with nuclear warheads. This was inevitable.

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