Die USA und Großbritannien starten Luftangriffe mit Kampfflugzeugen und Schiffen auf die vom Iran unterstützten Huthi-Rebellen im Jemen



    1. About. Damn. Time.

      Disrupting the shipping industry hurts EVERYBODY. 

      Wipe these a-holes off the map!

    2. ForvistOutlier on

      Why is it so hard to defeat the Houthis? Is it another, something, something… boots on the ground situation?

    3. Rude-Ad-6867 on

      Hopefully this continues and leads to a real change where commercial ships can travel safely.

    4. Kooky-Parfait-2706 on

      This needs to be done more, I wouldn’t be surprised if Saudi Arabia did something like offering cheaper oil in exchange for continuing these types of anti-terror operations

    5. Killing bad guys together is a cornerstone of our brotherhood.

      Democracy makes me hard.

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