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“drain the swamp”…
And is there even a legal system in the US, or wtf
Currently there is a massive Condo building project in hell for this new batch of Christians
Can we just start calling him Piss Christ.
They could save taxpayer money using the free King James Version
Ryan Walters wants to be Trumps secretary of education so bad is embarrassing. He’s willing to waste taxpayer dollars, throw away children’s futures, and to destroy his own dignity just to suck up to an old rapist.
Republican Jesus is smiling on the vast amounts of money
I see someone needs more legal funds
So we’re funneling tax dollars into Trump’s bank account. There’s more of this to come if he’s elected.
He might as well have gone all the way and stipulated that the Bibles must contain the lyrics of Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the U.S.A.,” it wouldn’t have been any more conspicuous.
Trump is literally the most corrupt president in US history. Every fucking thing he does is a grift.
So.. a state government has mandated Bibles in all public schools, and the Bibles must be the Bibles sold by the leader of a political party who is running to be President of the nation.
Totally not a cult.
Nope, not a whiff of state sponsored religion here.
I don’t understand why people buy bibles when the Apple bible is free on the books app
wait till they see the mandate for state supplied watches
>Bids opened Monday for a contract to supply the state Department of Education with 55,000 Bibles. According to the bid documents, vendors must meet certain specifications: Bibles must be the King James Version; must contain the Old and New Testaments; must include copies of the Pledge of Allegiance, Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, and the Bill of Rights; and must be bound in leather or leather-like material.
>A salesperson at Mardel Christian & Education searched, and though they carry 2,900 Bibles, none fit the parameters [except the one] commonly referred to as the Trump Bible. They cost $60 each online, with Trump receiving fees for his endorsement.
They should tighten the search parameters in case some other grifter quickly comes up with one that meets these “specifications”. All the potential candidates must cost anywhere between $59.99 and $60.01 and have at least one former American president actively endorse them on his website.
Guys, it’s ONLY like $4 million or so, think of the children! ~~/s~~
I couldn’t live in a place that had public schools that used bibles as part of their curriculum.
Absolute corruption. From SCOTUS to the red states the Republican party and Trump are corrupt.
>According to the bid documents, vendors must meet certain specifications: Bibles must be the King James Version; must contain the Old and New Testaments; must include copies of the Pledge of Allegiance, Declaration of Independence, **U.S. Constitution**, and the Bill of Rights; and must be bound in leather or leather-like material.
Except, because of complete incompetence, the “Trump Bible” doesn’t meet this requirement either (though I’m sure they’d conveniently overlook that).
It’s missing Amendments 11-27, so it doesn’t actually include the whole Constitution.
And no, it’s unlikely it was actually malicious intent that excluded those amendments. What’s more likely is that someone went to [National Archives link for the Constitution](https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/constitution-transcript) and copied the entire page and pasted into the Bible (because the Trump Bible includes the various names at the end). And then went to the [similar page](https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/bill-of-rights-transcript) for the Bill of Rights.
But what’s not obvious from either of those links is that it doesn’t include any of the amendments passed later. There’s a [third link](https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/amendments-11-27) to view those. But if you’re simply looking for literally what is labeled as “The Constitution” and the “Bill of Rights”, you’ll miss that third link.
Serious question, can a resident in Oklahoma sue him over this? I would think this would be absolutely illegal. I don’t understand how he can do this and not be challenged.
who could have seen this happening? /S
Trump is so much like the description of the Antichrist and how he will appear it almost makes me want to believe in the Bible… Almost
Trump didn’t drain the swamp. He stocked full of reptiles
This is so messed up I’m at a loss for words. Elected officials are now helping him grift while also attempting to indoctrinate our children into their cult.
What’s next a mandatory dress code requiring Trump tennis shoes?
This is disgusting.
Yes if there’s one version of the Bible that children will understand best it’s the King James Version…
Some super-progressive pro-LGBT group needs to start cranking out Bibles that are also an exact match and make a bid for like a third of the price.
The Holy Trump Church of Trump The Retributive Republican Saint of Rural Grievances. Hollow be thy name and reputation.
I am finally fully and completely exasperated with this. Can they not see? Do they not understand?
“Republicans: We need to get back to teaching math, science, history…”
Literally never
May I introduce you to Ryan Walter’s the Superintendent of Education in OK. He will be our Secretary of Re-education Camps if Trump gets elected.
I would tell my kid to just keep putting it in the fiction section every single day.
Illegal campaign contribution
The only thing surprising here is the anti-Christ selling bibles.
This seems like it should be a crime on a few different levels. Separation of church and state, fraud, campaign finance violations… any Oklahoma or federal lawyers want to chime in?
What the fucking christ are we doing.
>Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of a religion . . ..
-The First Amendment, which has long been incorporated to apply against thr states.
Oklahoma seems to have forgotten this by requiring the bible to be in schools. How can you require something to be read/taught/observed/acessable in schools of you didn’t first make a mandating law that presupposes the value of the content in the religious book? Doesn’t that respect the establishment of a religion?
[Jesus when he hears about this.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d8/1610_Cecco_del_Caravaggio_Christ_expulses_money_changers_anagoria.JPG)
They will rush to buy them and transfer the money regardless of the legal issues in how they award it – or the constitutionality of it all together
They had to find someone to buy them.
The republican way. Making government profitable for the rich. This is where we are, what capitalism has turned into. As they cut more of social services and privatize those things, the wealthy get richer. smh
Yeah. My dad was not a religious person. Imagine my absolute gobsmacked face in shock to see a motherfucking trump bible on top of his book pile.
Never have I ever seen this man in church, let alone reading scripture of any kind. Yet the orange monkey compelled him to be a god fearing man.
I don’t think the pearly gates are waiting for a trump cultist…
Will the Satanic Temple please sue these asshats?
I’m more impressed with the 2900 different versions of the bible. It’s not even that good of a book. It jumps all over the place, some it is just a list who begat who, there’s parts of it missing and it’s usually printed on the thinnest paper you’ve ever seen. It doesn’t even introduce the main character until midway through and then he dies almost immediately. It also repeats the same story 4 times. He comes back for second though somehow and then fucks off again. The end of the book basically contains a word salad that could have only come from someone eating some bad corn and basically says we’re all going to hell. 2/10 wouldn’t recommend.