Nachdem das Abtreibungsrecht in den USA eingeschränkt wurde, als der Oberste Gerichtshof der USA das Bundesrecht auf Abtreibung aufhob, wandten sich mehr Frauen an Online-Apotheken, um Abtreibungsmedikamente direkt an den Patienten zu kaufen. Die Ergebnisse unterstreichen die Bedeutung von Online-Apotheken für die Abtreibungsversorgung in der Zeit nach Roe vs. Wade.


  1. I’ve linked to the news release in the post above. In this comment, for those interested, here’s the link to the peer reviewed journal article:

    From the linked article:

    After US abortion rights were curtailed, more women turned to online pharmacies

    US scientists say online prescriptions for direct-to-patient abortion drugs increased in the year after the US Supreme Court overturned the Federal right to abortion, compared with the year before. Spikes in prescriptions followed an early leak of the court’s likely decision and the decision itself, they say. In March 2022, before the decision, the researchers found there were an average of 88.5 prescriptions per day, which jumped to 201.5 per day in March 2023 following the decision. Most medication was prescribed by prescribers on online platforms with no physical clinic attached, and sent to states with supportive abortion policies, the authors add. The findings highlight the importance of online pharmacies in providing abortion care in the post-Roe v Wade era, the experts say, adding that any barriers to online pharmacy access for abortion care should be removed.

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