Die unglaubliche Aktivität der Sonne durch mein Teleskop – 4. Oktober


  1. 3 hour timelapse of the sun using a Daystar Quark Chromosphere solar filter

    The capture is inverted and colorized

    Equipment Used: 120mm f8 refractor | Heq5 pro mount | Daystar Quark Chromosphere | ZWO 432mm pro | ZWO 120 mm | ZWO Mini guide scope | ZWO AEF

    Acquisition: 500 frames every 15 seconds captured with Firecapture | Tracked with LuSol

    Processing: Stacked in Autostakkert4 | processed in Pixinsight using SolarToolbox | footage stabilized and edited in After

  2. JoshuaStarAuthor on

    That’s incredible. Thanks to a project at work, I’ve learned that the sun’s solar cycle will peak in July 2025, leading to a maximum of solar activity and coronal mass ejections that will last for the next 3 years. Will we see a Carrington-level event? Probably not, but I bet you’ll have even more opportunities to capture incredible shots like these!

  3. mydogargos on

    Amazing video… mesmerizing. Now sing it with me… electricity, electricity.

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