Die USA wollen die Schwäche der Hisbollah nutzen, um einen neuen libanesischen Präsidenten zu wählen



  1. gaukonigshofen on

    If it happens the puppet…. I mean the president, would either assassinate or quickly switch sides

  2. many-brain-tabs-open on

    Ah US led regime change in the middle east, surely this won’t be a disaster for everyone

  3. Give-me-your-taco on

    I mean it’s what we do. Same with China and Russia.

    It’s a three way chess game we all play against each other

  4. Noble intent (arguably) but its the middle east, history has already spoken on this approach.

  5. Ok-Ice1295 on

    People don’t understand the situation in Lebanon is kind of different than other middle eastern countries. They actually have a chance to make it better this time if they do it right.

  6. The underlying issue with this is the widespread support for Hezbollah in the region. They are viewed as liberators after recapturing southern Lebanon from Israeli occupation 20 years ago. Only way this could work is a hearts and minds campaign showing Lebanese citizens a better path forward. Change needs to come from within.

    Best chance of success IMO would be through ensuring non-theological education for both men and women and maintaining it for like 20 years.

  7. What a shit headline. Makes it seem the US wants to handpick a new president. When in reality they are hoping with Hezbollah out of the picture the people will actually be able to elect a new one themselves.

    It really is damned if you do damned if you don’t when it comes to anything tangentially related to Israel.

  8. outofgulag on

    Not sure if the aerial bombings could’ve dismantle the most powerful army in Lebanon. For a change in regime in Lebanon, the regimes in Iran and most important in Russia needs to be weakened…. and this takes years or constant pressure. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hezbollah_armed_strength](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hezbollah_armed_strength)

  9. Brilliant_User_7673 on

    Guys. The Western world should not stick it’s head in the sand and pretend all is fine …if we only get a ceasefire…


    ” In June, the head of Hezbollah’s foreign relations said that “Israel is only a means to an end. The real goal is the war with America.”

    They mean every word. Hezbollah has been carrying out deadly terrorist attacks for over four decades. In April 1983, Hezbollah attacked the U.S. embassy in Lebanon and 63 people were killed. In October 1983, Hezbollah bombed the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut, which killed 241 U.S. service members. Hezbollah is not limited to killing only Westerners, it has also killed countless Muslims. During the Syrian Civil War, 600,000 people were killed and many were killed by Hezbollah. ”

    A must read:


  10. EmperorKira on

    US complains about foreign powers influencing elections. Literally does it the whole time.

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