Die drei größten EU-Länder drängen auf Bankenderegulierung


Von RevolutionBusiness27


  1. randall004 on

    Hopefully no bailouts will be given if the banks get into trouble.

  2. Any deregulation should come with relevant liability risks. But if I’m being cynical, fat chance it will happen.

  3. eliminating_coasts on

    “We are concerned about future geopolitical risks, so we ask that Banks not be required to account for future risks properly”

  4. YES, we really need a 2008 type financial crisis on top of the energy crisis!!!

  5. All the heavy regulations and restrictions are killing the business. Pouring money into corrupt institutions only makes the corruption in EU deeper. Really free market = a prosperous economy. The heavy EU burocracy stops all the innovation development. Is it really that strange that EU is in the current situation? Even the children know that to be competitive you have to be free so you can concentrate entirely over your work and not thinking about problems that doesn’t even exist.

  6. FingalForever on

    Jaysus no no no. The financial industry needs even tighter control (I work in such), in particular a forced break out similar to the Glass-Steagall Act in US legislation.

  7. Electricbell20 on

    When you can’t compete deregulation is all that you can really do. Even Without Trump, EU centres are low down in the Top 20. Sydney which isn’t exactly on people’s lips when it comes to financial centres is above most of them with only Paris above.

  8. what could go wrong? it isn’t like deutsche bank is in the business of laundering money

  9. Stabile_Feldmaus on

    >the countries believe the EU should change tack on its rollout of global bank capital standards, after delays of the same rules in the U.S. due to heavy lobbying from the banking industry.

    So it’s not about deregulation but modifying new rules.

  10. Divinate_ME on

    Great. If the free market is the solution, please let the government of the biggest country among those sell the rest of their Commerzbank shares, just to prove the point they’re trying to make here.

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