Raketenangriff in der Nähe von Donezk eliminiert 6 nordkoreanische Offiziere – Geheimdienst



  1. Oh no! This reminds me, I think I forgot to bring the trash cans in yesterday.

  2. *- “Hey Kim, are these your officers?”*
    *- “Nope”*
    *- “OK”*

  3. redditor0918273645 on

    The only trace of them ever being there is 5000 pins and ribbons scattered throughout the area.

  4. The5YenGod on

    Well, to have foreign officers obliterated is one thing. To rely on foreign officers of a country bumb stuck somewhere between 60s and 80s warfare doctrin while proclaiming to be the second army in the world is just a high class joke.

  5. Gordon_in_Ukraine on

    They learned the only thing the Russians have to teach them, how to die uselessly.

  6. EstablishmentCute703 on

    The Russians gave Donetsk to North Korea as payment? Wow, we need new maps!

  7. GrandMoffJenkins on

    The area was littered with large hats and garish, unearned medals?

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