Laut einer Studie werden feministische Gamerinnen stärker für Sexismus verantwortlich gemacht | Die Untersuchung zeigt, dass Spielerinnen, die sich als Feministinnen identifizieren oder sich für die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter engagieren, oft eher für sexistische Vorfälle beim Online-Spielen verantwortlich gemacht werden.


  1. From the [article]( A [recent study]( published in the journal Sex Roles highlights a troubling reality for many women in the world of online gaming. The research shows that women gamers who identify as feminists or engage in actions promoting gender equality are often blamed more for experiencing sexist incidents while playing online. Notably, this pattern of blame was most pronounced among participants who held stronger sexist attitudes towards women gamers.

    Online video games have become one of the most popular forms of entertainment worldwide, connecting millions of people in shared virtual environments. Although gaming has historically been viewed as a male-dominated activity, recent data shows that nearly half of gamers are women. Despite this, many women gamers report feeling unwelcome in online gaming spaces and regularly encounter sexist attitudes and behaviors.

    The study’s authors sought to explore why women gamers are often blamed for experiencing sexism in online gaming. They were particularly interested in understanding how certain characteristics of women gamers, such as identifying as feminists or engaging in gender equality activism, might influence perceptions of blame in sexist incidents.

  2. Title wording is a bit off, made me think they were saying feminist women gamers were being blamed for *doing* the sexisms. This is saying feminist women gamers are being blamed for instigating the sexism that comes their way.

    >”No shit you got a bunch of sexism, you *dared* to say women should be respected in a gaming forum.”

  3. SeedlessMelonNoodle on

    Kind of a layman here.

    Anyone know what the point of studies like these are?

    Do these guide policy or something?

    I’m also a woman btw, but the games I play have a lot more women playing them so it’s a lot less toxic.

    So, I wonder what kind of games this study was looking at, and how the demographics of the people playing these games might affect the results.

    I tried reading the study, but all I could read was the abstract.

  4. I mean that makes sense. If you’re looking for something, you’re more likely to find it.

  5. What was the saying… if one was at free to behave any way he wants without any consequences, any push back looks like “prosecution”. Many male players need to grow some balls and start to behave like a proper human being… not as bunch of “bros”a.k.a. assholes.

    My personal experience limited to 20 years of WoW… but I am pretty sure, this “problem” transcends all online games.

  6. TheTankGarage on

    I’ve only really been told I did something wrong once in the context of gaming with a girl. It was at a guild meet, and I called someone “dude” in the colloquial, friendly, non-descriptive sense. Just yesterday, I watched a mother call her 4-year-old daughter “dude.” So yes, I do believe this is accurate: a feminist is more likely to misinterpret something and make an issue out of it.

    Side anecdote. Between 2006-2013 I played a lot of co-operative online games and usually held a leadership position and I had way more problems with men than I ever had with women. Correcting a man, for me, was always harder than correcting a woman because they often made up excuses to why they were doing something wrong, while women did that less.

    Obviously, there is sexism, but there’s bullying on the internet no matter who you are. I’ve been bullied plenty, called all kinds of names, but since I’m a man, it’s not seen as special or assigned a label. I would even go so far as to say that feminist women are actually the ones who sometimes fall into being sexist, as well as some men, because they are more likely to ascribe intent to words or actions based on another’s gender, intent that isn’t actually there.

  7. I think any gamer knows how pathetic many guys and girls act towards other girls, especially when it was unknown and they start speaking on the mic. It’s so bad I gotta think thrice to invite a female friend cause it happens so often that something bad happens, but also by girls themselves. Like if another girl plays an “egirl champion” (referring to league) I experienced it often that some other girls shittalked and focused her. But I’m not saying both happens equally, by far not

  8. Divinate_ME on

    Just shows how asshats operate. People see a nickname online and start to dig up everything they can on the slight chance, that it may be someone who claimed to be a feminist.

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