Ich habe versucht, Europa aus dem Gedächtnis zu zeichnen, und das ist dabei herausgekommen!


Von robin-msr


  1. Working_Teacher3196 on

    IDK if the Swiss beaches were stolen from FR or IT, but I don’t like the idea

  2. Anxious_Set5205 on

    It’s so bad that i cannot even tell which country you started off😭😭

  3. hilarymeggin on

    Still better than I could do. Although I could have helped you with the shape of France!

  4. I couldn’t do better. Connecting the black sea with the mediterranean, giving Switzerland sea access and putting a whole channel between turkey and europe are some interesting concepts though

  5. Red-Star-44 on

    you got our borders right but then completely bungled the flags colors

  6. This was way harder than I thought it was, and I did quite worse than I felt while drawing it. Most tricolor flags are completly off, I robbed France a bit of coastline, Swiss apperantly got a new beach, Serbia got on two times, while Moldova moves a to the next country border to the west. But overall, still recognizable.

  7. relapsing_not on

    I asked chatgpt which country got butchered the most

    > Iceland: Appears as an oversized and almost rectangular shape, with the flag drawn on it but much larger than reality.
    > United Kingdom: Stretched out, with the Union Jack flag covering a larger area compared to its real geographic scale.
    > Italy: The famous boot shape of Italy is not preserved well—it looks more blocky and less defined.
    > Germany: Massively oversized and spread over where countries like the Czech Republic, Poland, and Austria should be.
    > Sweden: Drawn as a bloated and misshapen version, far larger than it should be.
    > France: More compressed and awkwardly shaped than in reality, squeezed in next to other countries.
    > Spain: Oddly drawn, appearing oversized compared to its real dimensions and extending more than expected.
    > Turkey: Significantly smaller, almost entirely unrecognizable compared to its actual size and shape.
    > Ukraine and Russia: While the map attempts to keep them large, they are still awkwardly shaped and don’t follow their actual contours.
    > These countries and regions are the most butchered in terms of size, shape, and placement on the map, with notable flag misrepresentations in some cases too!

    for some reason it couldn’t identify bulgaria completely missing

  8. whatstefansees on

    You know the Balkans, especially the former Yugoslavian part – better than the rest ;o)

  9. EcstaticPoop on

    To be fair this is roughly accurate. Except maybe Switzerland having access to the sea haha.

  10. Ok-Scholar6387 on

    you got the Bulgarian flag wrong, but pretty impressive still, good job!

  11. Dismal-Attitude-5439 on

    Bulgaria is now Hungaria, but what are we going to do with Irany?

  12. Somebody_Said_ on

    Alternate universe where Poland conquered 2/3 rd of Russian and turning it to colony.

  13. JannePieterse on

    Did you do all the flags from memory too? That’s pretty good. I’d struggle with the Balkans, and the Baltics.

    Otherwise my many hours of playing Rome: Total War and Crusader Kings 2 make me pretty confident I could do the shapes better. :p

  14. you did quite well if we look over the fact that you can’t draw! 

  15. Ok-Network-9754 on

    I absolutely love it . Be up on my fridge . Denmark is my favorite looks like it was drawn just for the cross

  16. Britain has already taken the 6 counties of Ireland, and your man is giving them a bit of Donegal too

  17. Lotta shit talking here but I’d say you did a great job. Is it perfect? Of course not. But still better than 99% of people on the street could do. Well done!

  18. BozheYakeConchene on

    “Look how they massacred my boy…” – every person in the comments

  19. For a second there I had thought Poland colonised 2/3rds of Russia.

    France looks like a badly squashed slice of Bread, meanwhile the Italians took Corsica whilst they weren’t looking, and Britain is slowly drifting North away from Mainland Europe (… something something Brexit)

  20. theInternationalDew on

    You cheeky little bollix including that generous bitta blue at the top of Ireland

  21. kennyminigun on

    What is that “S” Surrounded by what seems to be Hungary, Romania, Bułgaria, Serbia, Bosnia&Herz. and Croatia?

  22. Potential-Bug2030 on

    Look how the massacred my girl , Greece. Lol it maybe sounds silly but to me Greece looks like a hand, like Italy looks like a boot, maybe with that in mind it would be easier to draw.

  23. jackInTheBronx on

    Is a great idea to Draw Europe from Memory we should make it our new Challenge of the sub. Post your outcomes!

  24. Interesting to see Reichsprotektorat Böhmen und Mähren/Protektorát Čechy a Morava return in such a big version.

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