Medienberichten zufolge plant die EU, Sanktionen gegen Iran wegen der Lieferung ballistischer Raketen an Russland zu verhängen


  1. homerj1977 on

    Now sanction USA and UK for sending weapons to Israel

    No wait that won’t happen

  2. What about Iran supplying missiles to Hamas? And Hezbollah? And Yemen? And dropping them on Israel?

    Any sanctions for that shit that’s been going on for years?

  3. nithinnm123 on

    Its already started. Banks are not allowing shipment through Iran anymore

  4. evripidis3 on

    Sanctions are like an email you still don’t have time to reply to and you keep getting reminders to do your job right and finally you send “sorry for the inconvenience, we are working to fix this error”.

  5. NotthatkindofDr81 on

    Iran really just needs to be cut off from the rest of the world. Their oil isn’t worth it.

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