Russische Medien berichten, dass es in einem Öldepot in der russischen Region Perm zu einem Brand gekommen sei. Ihren Angaben zufolge entstand das Feuer durch unvorsichtigen Umgang mit dem Feuer oder durch einen Unfall, nicht durch einen Drohnenangriff. Treibstofftanks auf einer Fläche von 10.000 Quadratmetern brannten nieder.


  1. CoolSliceWorldWide on

    Smoking related explosions are rampant in Russia, surely the Kremlin has the foresight to ban it for the health of his nation.

  2. matts_drawings on

    Funny, how they need to clarify that no drone attack is responsible for this. Like if anyone would believe them

  3. HandToeKneeUK on

    I’m starting to believe the Russians now.

    Clearly, the Ukrainain drones are no good. Shot down 100% of the time, and only their debris causes damage, after they’ve been shot down.

    Surely it would be better for the Ukr to send loads of lighters to Russia as that’s the only way things get blown up, apparently.

    Slava Ukraini 🇬🇧 🇺🇦

  4. How is there ANY handling of fire around an oil depot, careless or otherwise??? 🤷‍♂️

  5. SimpleMaintenance433 on

    According to Russia they’re not even involved in a war, so there is that.

  6. bochnik_cz on

    Sergei Marlborovich and Ilya Kamelin again smoking where they shouldn’t.

  7. Dry_Complaint_5549 on

    and also BTW, the special military operation is going to plan.

  8. praetorian1111 on

    I don’t understand Russians accept thy obvious lies every day about falling debris and smoking sub-humans.
    They obviously know their people are actual morons, but no nation is this incompetent.

  9. Cottagewknds on

    Careless handling of fire 😂

    Igor was cold so he lit himself a little fire and was in the midst of carrying it back to his office when it fell and caused a major fire …

  10. Cute-Depth1824 on

    Who the fuck walks around in an oil depot, carelessly handling a fire?

  11. Glum-Perspective9509 on

    I think if you told the Russians the joke about the guy driving down the wrong side of the motorway, they would not realise it is a joke and simply think everybody else is driving on the wrong side.

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