Ein im afrikanischen Wermut vorkommender Wirkstoff, einer Pflanze, die seit Tausenden von Jahren medizinisch zur Behandlung von Husten und Fieber eingesetzt wird, könnte gegen Tuberkulose wirksam sein. Es kann die Mykobakterien abtöten, die Tuberkulose verursachen, sowohl im aktiven Zustand als auch im langsameren, hypoxischen Zustand, in dem es schwieriger zu behandeln ist.



  1. I’ve linked to the press release in the post above. In this comment, for those interested, here’s the link to the peer reviewed journal article:


    From the linked article:

    A compound found in African wormwood — a plant used medicinally for thousands of years to treat many types of illness — could be effective against tuberculosis, according to a new study that is available online and will be published in the October edition of the Journal of Ethnopharmacology.

    The team, co-led by Penn State researchers, found that the chemical compound, an O-methylflavone, can kill the mycobacteria that causes tuberculosis in both its active state and its slower, hypoxic state, which the mycobacteria enters when it is stressed.

    Bacteria in this state are much harder to destroy and make infections more difficult to clear, according to co-corresponding author Joshua Kellogg, assistant professor of veterinary and biomedical sciences in the College of Agricultural Sciences.

  2. It’s almost like traditional medicine has some merit and efficacy. Not all, but definitely some. Just like modern medicine.

  3. Artemisia absinthium.
    Yes, it’s what drove the impressionists crazy. And, apparently; free of tuberculosis!

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