Schüler im ganzen Land fordern ein Verbot der Gesichtserkennung für den Schulanfang

1 Comment

  1. MrCertainly on


    So a bunch of students — many of which are minors or just turned 18 — are complaining. These are the same people who willingly paid these same institutions many thousands of dollars to attend.

    So we know they’re not willing to put their money where their mouth is.

    And since all they’re doing is “making a call for a ban”, we know that’s all they’ll do. Complain. All bark, no bite.

    Please, explain to me why mega-billionaire companies would listen to someone who doesn’t even slightly affect their bottom line.

    edit: Thanks for the downvotes. Remember folks, if you want to piss off those who control the economy, you need to punch them square in the dick. And by the dick, I mean wallet. Square in the wallet.

    Otherwise, you’re just a crybaby whining. And why should they listen to you? They already have your money.

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