Trump: „Liz Cheney ist eine dumme Warhawk. Sie will nur Raketen auf Menschen schießen.“

Von Wookie9991


  1. Wookie9991 on

    Submission Statement: Trump reacts to Kamala Harris campaigning with Liz Cheney. He has a way of simplifying things.

  2. Appropriate_Pop_5849 on

    Weird. He’s attacking someone for losing their election?

    And for dropping bombs? This guy bombed so many people he had to repeal the rule that required him to disclose how many people he bombed.

    This is also the guy who proudly dropped the MOAB lol.

  3. therealcirillafiona on

    Love him or hate him. The one thing that I always find great is how blunt he can be. It is the NYC in him.

  4. Sufficient_Cause1208 on

    This guy wants give Isreal everything it wants even more war

  5. Direct-Money-4206 on

    Trump is close to Russia… Russia is close to Iran… Trump sounds like the better choice. They both suck lol

  6. HalfOrcMonk on

    The part nobody is talking about is that establishment Democrats and establishment Republicans are so identical that they’re one party. Everyone is a corporate owned, warmongering neo-con.

  7. Good_waves on

    Liz Cheney recently stated that she’s been a Republican longer than he has been spray tanning. Lmao, she wrecked him pretty good.

  8. BigDuoInferno on

    She isn’t just like her daddy dick? 

    Fuck her, her dad and legacy politicians 

  9. blacklegsanji27 on

    and trump supports israel and netanyahu right now, who have been committing genocide and killing innocents for months and months. trump is a fucking joke and a liar just like 99% of all other politicians

  10. iHave500genders on

    Says the guy who dropped more drone strikes in 4 years than Obama’s 8

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