Veröffentlicht am 03.10.2024. OPSEC ist gewährleistet, wie der Kommandant erklärte:
"Liebe Bewohner, essen Sie nicht umsonst, die von Ihnen analysierten Mega-Informationen sind nicht relevant. Ehre sei der Ukraine!"
Dank an ko4evnik_ auf Facebook.


  1. “Alright boys , now that my personal business is finished … let’s ALL go shit on these vodka guzzling fucks. Slava Ukraini!”

  2. I hope he had piece of a russian flag to wipe his ass. Not much other use for it.

    On that note, if someone starts making toilet paper with a russian flag on it, i will pay premium for it!

  3. Accomplished_Web8122 on

    The ranges these tankers fire at is pretty impressive especially doing it when moving. They must be firing at least over 1,500m away

  4. The way those drones come in I wonder if I’d rather crap in a bucket, over the side or in my pants than leave the tank parked in the wide open. Or as my dad made me do, go before we leave cause we ain’t stoppin.

  5. MoneyWolverine9181 on

    Too bad he couldn’t have taken a crap on some Russian corpse… and filmed it…

  6. daonefatbiccmacc on

    I’d shit myself driving a 40 something tons tank over a half destroyed bridge

  7. _Gunner_Jurgen_ on

    No more “OH shit!” moments, he’s experienced unlike his opposition… lol! Slava Ukraini!

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