Houthi veröffentlichte Aufnahmen eines Angriffs auf ein britisches Zivilschiff

Von Shekel_Hadash


  1. Alarmed_Will_8661 on

    Which verse in quran says killing unarmed civilians is allah’s will?

  2. Then_Drag_8258 on

    Time to brew up at Poole and watch the lads wreak havoc in the Ops room. That wasn’t a very smart move m, was it?

  3. CorbinDalasMultiPas on

    Is this the reverse angle of a previous video posted from the ships perspective? You know, the one where the security force couldnt hit the broad side of a barn with their ARs?

  4. hooblyshoobly on

    And there are British people unironically who support Houthis/Hamas/Hezbollah just because they’re anti government. You can disagree with funding conflict and want a ceasefire while also accepting that these groups are fucking terrorists.

  5. GreenDevil97 on

    Smart enough to do this, dumb enough to no care about harming their own enviroment

  6. For those of you who don’t speak Arabic, they are chanting the Houthi motto which includes “curse upon the Jews”

  7. TheAwsomeReditor on

    I dont see gretta thumberg protesting this pollution where are the eco friendly people at when you need them?

  8. dontwantablowjob on

    How courageous of them. Truly the feared warriors of this century.

  9. Overall_Arm_6123 on

    How heroic. They were able to take out an unarmed civilian ship.

  10. DerrickHashslinging on

    really hope i get to kill one of these houthis bastards myself one day

  11. Moppyploppy on

    And the Russians are working with Iran to get the Houthis more advanced anti-shipping weaponry because…….reasons?

  12. redditzphkngarbage on

    It amazes me that these aggressive folks still consume oxygen 🤔

  13. ReadyPanda1 on

    It’s not a “British civilian ship”. It’s registered to Panamanian company, but is managed by an India-registered company

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