Zeitenwende auf EU-Ebene – 60 Jahre nach ihrer Gründung öffnet sich die Europäische Investitionsbank für die Finanzierung militärischer Projekte, das jüngste Tabu, das mit der Aufrüstung Europas fällt


Von EUstrongerthanUS


  1. BreakfastFluid9419 on

    Does this mean the US can stop paying for Europe’s defense?

  2. RadikaleM1tte on

    Is that this “don’t poke the bear” the russians were talking about so much? Is it awake now?

  3. I just hope they will actually buy only from EU companies and not from american ones. Military business can potentially boost Italy which is the only european country with a big navy industry and a good but not so big drones and other hi-tech warfafe industry

  4. Teacher2teens on

    Damit nicht bald der Russe einmarschiert. Ach ich vergaß, dass die #noafd und zarah PutinKnecht ja schon da sind.

  5. The word Zeitenwende is almost laughable if you look at where Germany is rn.

  6. As always , Europe is behind ; this should have been done wayway before
    But at least a step in the right direction

  7. dat_9600gt_user on

    Can we also start actually punishing people for helping Russia evade sanctions, please?

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