60 Minuten lang schickten die Besatzer ununterbrochen Truppen, um die Befestigungsanlagen in der Nähe des Dorfes New York zu stürmen. Alle feindlichen Angriffe wurden durch die gemeinsamen Anstrengungen von Angriffs-UAVs, Artillerie, Panzern und Infanterie von Asow und angrenzenden Einheiten abgewehrt. Die Russen erlitten schwere Verluste an Personal und Ausrüstung


Von Exotic-Strawberry667


  1. Exotic-Strawberry667 on

    A non-stop hour of enemy assaults in the Toretsk sector.

    Despite heavy losses, the occupiers continue a large-scale offensive against the positions of the Defense Forces near the village of New York.

    The new video is compiled of moments of enemy infantry and equipment destruction, as well as footage from the defenders’ positions. For 60 minutes, the occupiers continuously sent more and more forces to storm the fortifications of the 12th Special Forces Brigade Azov and adjacent units.

    All the enemy attacks were repelled by the joint efforts of strike UAVs, artillery, tanks and infantry of Azov and adjacent units. The Russians suffered heavy losses in personnel and equipment.


  2. Accurate_Storm2588 on

    Just really enjoy seeing the AFU put the hurt on the invaders. Amazing work soldiers!

  3. Glad-Divide-4614 on

    I don’t feel sorry for dead russians anymore, the road to Ukranian freedom and victory will be paved with their bodies.

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