Macron: Die EU hat nur zwei oder drei Jahre Zeit, um die totale Dominanz der USA und Chinas abzuwehren

Von Comfortable-Coat-507


  1. Comfortable-Coat-507 on

    Washington and Beijing are leaving the European Union lagging behind, French President Emmanuel Macron said in pessimistic remarks.

    “Our former model is over. We are overregulating and underinvesting. In the two to three years to come, if we follow our classical agenda, we will be out of the market,” he warned during a panel discussion at the Berlin Global Dialogue meeting on Wednesday.

    “The EU could die, we are on a verge of a very important moment,” he added.

    The French president argued that Europe is lagging behind the Unites States and China on key files such as climate change, AI, defense and security.

    Former European Central Bank President Mario Draghi raised a similar warning in a report published in September, saying that the EU faces an “existential challenge” unless it radically transforms its economy to enhance its competitiveness.

    Macron said he fully supports Draghi’s conclusions and that Europe should rush to implement them. “I think this is quite true, we are at risk,” he said.

    “They invest much more, they are much more in advance,” he said, adding that looking at gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in the past three decades the U.S. delivered an increase of 60 percent, Europe only delivered 30 percent.

    “And it’s not sustainable with the social model that we have,” he added.

    Macron argued that to be competitive in today’s multipolar world order the EU should deepen the single market and simplify its regulations.

    “If we want clearly to be more competitive and have our place in this multipolar order first we need a simplification shock,” Macron said.

    Talking about trade, the French president said that if China and the U.S. do not respect the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO), the EU should not respect them either.

    “Twenty-five years ago, we thought that [with] China joining WTO it would comply with the laws. It is not the case,” he said, adding that in 2022 the U.S. also decided not to be compliant with WTO rules related to the Fishing Regulation Act.

    “And I have a suggestion,” he said, “when both U.S. and China do not respect the rules, we should not be the only one in the room to just abide the rules. This doesn’t fly.

    “I don’t suggest trying to become protectionist, this is an awful world, but at least to be fair. With our industry, with our farmers, with our people,” he added.

  2. He is absolutely correct! We all need the EU that is stronger, more capable and better economically. US cannot stand alone against all the shit that’s arraying against the West.

  3. I think he’s actually quite optimistic.

    Well, you know what they say… The best time to do something was a few years ago, the second best time is now.

  4. He is partly right, but he also talks as if the entire European Union is like France.

  5. AbaloneOk8974 on

    Europe is making unicorns too. The supply chain is specialized and global and intertwined. The world is going forward and if anyone is left behind it’s certainly not Europe.

  6. BeerLovingRobot on

    Maybe open yourself up to competition and deregulation to drive creation of new companies which becomes the new market leaders.

  7. Good-Surround-8825 on

    Ffs EU you should have done this before Brexit and we wouldn’t have left.

  8. kalelmotoko on

    Macron is all talk.
    When the time come for making change in the good direction he does the opposite.
    Honestly it’s just sad how this work, because he has a really good marketing team, and all of this is smoke in the air.

  9. I’m really not a Macron opponent but many of his policies and personal picks have been contradicting this for years.   

    Thierry Breton was his pick. Regulating tech was a foundation of his 2022 campaign although you could already see we were missing the opportunity. Von Der Leyen was his call too, and look at that never ending disaster    

    Then there are the contradictions left unsaid. Germany wants to kill French cheap energy (nuclear) to save its own industry. There has been _zero_ fight given on this topic, barely acknowledged although central for the decade to come.  

     I’m a die hard Union proponent but if it did not get more accountable and bring more output to member states in the last decade… what will?

  10. EbolaaPancakes on

    >“And it’s not sustainable with the social model that we have,” he added.

    Yesss, become the US, become everything Europeans hate about us. Get rid of your social programs, and your high taxes.

  11. He’s right for once, but he’s just stating a fact.
    As usual, he has no plan behind that, just doing his usual PR bullshit.
    Plus, anyone working in tech could see that for years.

  12. Komparativist on

    What EU should do is force all of its citizens to abandon cars, accept serf wages, accept that winters will be harsher and colder due to zero dependent energy sources and accept insane crime rates in European cities.

    That will surely work.

  13. cheesemaster_3000 on

    Getting into a direct war before Europe scales up it’s own weapons production will speed up that process. If all our weapons have to be bough from the US we can say goodbye to any kind of regulations that would protect EU consumers but hurt US profits. A strong independent Europe would be a way bigger problem for US industry than Russia. That’s why the christian fascists are working hard to be their friend.

  14. >“And I have a suggestion,” he said, “when both U.S. and China do not respect the rules, we should not be the only one in the room to just abide the rules. This doesn’t fly.

    >“I don’t suggest trying to become protectionist, this is an awful world, but at least to be fair. With our industry, with our farmers, with our people,” he added.

    If he means that the EU should not respect the environmental and labour protection standards that the USA and China completely disregard: bad.

    If he means that the EU should punish the USA and China for their lack of the above, via trade measures: good.

  15. He is right.

    I think he doesn’t do enough to stress that China has long been violating the WTO rules whereas the US abandoned them on recently, but he is essentially correct. 

    The EU is still on the same path that the US was until 2022, where China’s mercantilist trade policy was gradually destroying the industry of other countries. 

    At the time the US started to change its policy, it felt more like EU members wanted the US to return to a policy of slowly being devoured by the Chinese rather than spend money on itself. 

    It would be great if the EU could change policy, otherwise the alternative is falling behind – or having the industrial base of the EU hollowed out by Chinese dumping and one sided trade policy. 

  16. I think it’s already too late for the EU. Paralyzed by traitors from the inside, debt, overworked social services, a war on its borders…
    Unless they somehow remake a new EU, I don’t see how it can improve

  17. Mrstrawberry209 on

    I feel we need to think out of the box instead of following other major powers. Cause 1 vs 1 we can’t compete, our market is still saturated, our laws are multi-layered and we don’t speak the same language, even English isn’t mastered by every European country. What really is the benefit by buying stuff within the EU as opposed to international countries?

  18. Macron is right, as he is more often. But that doesn’t win you votes in France and/or from babyboomers.

  19. Danny-Reisen-off on

    While I agree with him, I merely think he wants to put himself in a good position for any position role he could play for Europe, since he can’t be France’s President anymore and regrets it.

    Macron, President of Europe?

  20. Poopynuggateer on

    “Climate change”
    No. We are not lagging behind.

    Not really, and in what way? It has yet to prove itself useful. It’s certainly not making anybody lots of money, and it *takes* more jobs than it produces.

  21. Oh, no! Only 2 or 3 years? Which will destroy Europel first — economic “domination” or climate change?

    Our “last change to address climate change” was 10-15 years ago, so does it really matter?

    The hyperventilating rhetoric of these politicians…

  22. GrandAdmiralSnackbar on

    Ok, cut regulations. Which ones?

    The ones protecting EU workers, so they can be exploited as much as US and Chinese workers?

    Environmental regulations, so our heavy industry can compete again, and pollute our air and water?

    CSRD to reduce reporting burden that doesn’t exist in USA or China?

    Food safety regulations?

    Being vague is easy. Cutting regulations, who isn’t for that. But then, once you hit the specifics, it gets difficult.

  23. BliksemseBende on

    So, EU is losing the competition to a market where employees need to have two or three jobs and medical care is a big thing. And the other markets where oligarchs who keep the products low prices with tax money to sell it elsewhere in the world. Hm, ok to compare apples with pears

  24. woketarted on

    No word about border controls and 0 unskilled migration going forward. Migration will be the downfall of europe.

    And we immediately need to stop supporting Ukraine and get back on cheap russian gas , our economy is dead without cheap gas

  25. Falloutballout90 on

    Americans need to take note of this, Europeans have long been talking about us like we’re their enemy. Because to them WE ARE their enemy. We’re blissfully ignorant of the knife being held at our back. Thankfully Macron is such an ignorant loudmouth that we see this every day.

  26. Blindeafmuten on

    Good! Now, let’s form some high paid committees and brainstorm in the next 4 years on what we should do.

  27. canseco-fart-box on

    Maybe someone should convince Germany that deficits aren’t some big scary evil monster that need to be avoided at all costs….

  28. I love how the UK gets white flung at it for images attempts to “rebuild its Empire” when you get people like Macron and the Commisio. Trying to build the EU into somethings it’s not

  29. stuffundfluff on

    when open ai came out with GPT, what was the EU’s reaction? It was to celebrate the creation of new regulation

    imagine that, patting themselves on the back for regulating before they even created a single thing with this new piece of tech

  30. How can the EU, a collection of territories with varying cultures and regulations, be considered on the same level as a China or US?

    They need to work with niches and support the giants battling each other.

  31. I mean the US already is economically dominant although if the country’s in the EU can cut some of their business regulations and encourage more domestic industry and fix their birth rate issue. They might be able to outlast China who’s population pyramid looks like it’s going to start going upside down in the next 30 years and is slowing down and is no longer looking like they’re going to be able to catch up economically to the US. Otherwise Europe might be destined to be the Austria-Hungary to the United Stateses Germany (if it merged with Britain to become one super empire)

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