Donald Trump scherzte einmal, dass er und Ivanka „gemeinsamen Sex“ hätten


  1. Johnny5isalive46 on

    It’s unbelievable we are still talking about this person:

    Robert Mueller and a independent Republican investigation both found Trump’s campaign to be working with Russia to undermine the US elections. Trump’s attorney general William Barr and Trump were found to have continuously obstructed Justice. Mueller (Republican) stated that if they had not obstructed Justice then Donald Trump would have been charged. The republicans called the evidence “alarming” but not the treason like it was.

    But that’s just the beginning of the shit show that trump and his supporters are. He took office after working illegally with bad actors and then gave corporations a tax break which they used for stock buy backs. They then started a trade war with China, then France, then Mexico, and last Canada. This caused our farming industry to become crippled and we had to start farm stimulus which caused inflation. Then COVID hit and Trump denied it and said it would just go away while being secretly told in a meeting just how bad it was and he even stated how horrible it was. He then goes to tell his soft headed supporters to not wear masks and trashed the vaccines the US was helping to develop. Which led to obese republicans to die at a higher proportional rate. While at the same time getting the vaccine and also having to be air lifted to a hospital when he himself got COVID. Which again he downplayed to his supporters. Trump then started stimulus checks for Americans and even wanted his name on them. This caused more inflation.

    The writing was on the wall for old Trump that he had done such a piss poor job that he will probably lose the election. But his ego couldn’t take that. So he started to replace people in the department of defense with “loyalists” and began his coup attempt. Which ended with cops being maimed, one murdered, and one trumper shot and many lives ruined.

    He admitted to sexually assaulting women, bragged about watching young girls undress, parties with pedophiles, convicted of rape, and convicted of fraud. To be a trump supporter at this point a person would have to be willfully ignorant or a psychopath.

  2. sisyphus_persists_m8 on

    He’s involved her, in some manner, in his effed up sexual shit.

    That clip, from the howard stern show, where he brags about being a sexual predator, and she’s right next to him, beaming proudly and nodding her head in agreement, is just messed up.

  3. RIPBenTramer on

    Look up her bedroom interview when she was 21 and look at how her tone changes when she mentions her bed.

  4. jessicatg2005 on

    It’s probably a good guess that the 25% of MAGA lunatics supporting him are banging their daughters as well.

  5. Tall_Brilliant8522 on

    Her eyes look so sad here. It’s bad enough having him as a candidate. Imagine if he were your father.

  6. paddlingtipsy on

    Straight up incest on nation tv, and half of American voted for him still, you nasty fucks

  7. oldcreaker on

    Not hard to imagine him raping a teen so he could pretend she was Ivanka.

  8. magneta2024 on

    This comment he made in the past was the creeepiest of tbem all…why would he ever say that? Everyone focused only on the one he said about how he would date Ivanka, but this one of him saying a thing they too had “in common” was “sex”….was worse, not sure why most did not ever highlight this one more. It truly felt like he was confessing something or saying something extremely off with he said that.

  9. Real patriots bandage their ears and wear diapers. Who wants to bet they ain’t drawing the line here

  10. You can’t convince me that he wasn’t having sex with her as a child and teenager…

  11. xStonebanksx on

    He was not joking he was 100% serious, he Even said it when Ivanka was there with him in the interview 🤢🤮

  12. GreyBeardEng on

    Well…. Ivanka did visit Epstein Island on several occasions. Maybe she is a pedo as well.

  13. Nobody read Ashley Biden’s diary….. Keep ignoring Joe Biden’s step daughter saying the same thing…. The Hypocrisy is only making Trump more popular

  14. This was on a talk show. On Live TV.

    The host asks Ivanka what she and he dad have in common. She says they both like to golf.

    They ask Trump and he says “I was gonna say SEX 😏” and the crowd roars with laughter.

  15. JTSpirit36 on

    Don’t let him make you think it’s about sharing an interest.

    They have a common room in their house.

  16. Adamantium-Aardvark on

    Half of Americans are like: yeah that’s the guy I want leading the country

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