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Von MemberBenefits


  1. MemberBenefits on

    Americans who have lost everything $750 bucks. I cannot even begin to understand how you all must be feeling. Absolutely shocking and fucking dreadful response from the government of the United States. 

  2. All Republicans do is lie none of those numbers are correct at all. We get far more to Israel than we ever have to Ukraine. But the $750 amount is what you initially get as an emergency stipend everyone gets 42,500 a piece. You guys need to go ahead and move to North Korea or Russia because that’s who Donald Trump wants to be like. Does countries don’t allow guns Donald Trump already has a list of everyone that has a gun.

  3. EcclesianSteel on

    Im not american, but imagine if the USA gather half this money to actually focus on their own economy and healthcare problems? If the United States do not start to withdraw from its trillionaire expending in being the “world’s police” it will soon face what the British Empire faced after WW II.

  4. BandicootRoutine5156 on

    This is the problem with “tax the rich”. The rich are clearly taxed. It’s a problem with money management once the government has it. People assume the money will get passed back to us once taxed. It won’t.

  5. Can someone explain this to me? What I assume this money is, is that it’s given to big “military industrial complex” type companies to do projects in these countries (like Halliburton, Boeing etc).

    The people who hold stock in these companies benefit because their investments increase in value when these companies get jobs and projects.

    Lobbyists representing these companies obligate politicians to make actions favourable to these companies (like foreign interferences and operations etc). Politicians get on the gravy train by buying stocks.

    Hurricanes relief in the states doesn’t really make money for these companies, and no one’s stocks bounce, so there is little incentive to give out big sums.

    That’s all of I’ve got. Someone educate this foreigner please.

  6. Alamgir_786 on

    Based America sending 1 million to support the Taliban mujahideen

  7. What this tells me is that it must be much tougher to launder money through FEMA.

  8. A little over $45 billion? Chump change. Small fees to help with our geopolitical strategy.

    Best look at your country’s Treasury and their Central Bank Federal Reserve currency. The interest payment on the debt alone is massive.

    >As of August 2024, the US government pays $1,049 billion in interest on its national debt, which is 17% of the federal government’s total spending for the fiscal year. This is a 30% increase from the same period in 2023.

  9. United States did not give this money. The American government stole it from the American people and gave it away.

  10. Well before helping your neighbours you should help your family first

    uSA Govt clearly does not understand this

  11. 12kdaysinthefire on

    Don’t forget that Israel doesn’t have to pay any of that back because it wasn’t a loan, it was a “grant”.

  12. Let’s not forget about Hawaii and Palestine Ohio. Who got left in the dust by their own government.

  13. ArmedWithSpoons on

    The US has given roughly 13b to Ukraine this year.

    Israel has gotten roughly 9, including the 3.8 we promised annually for 10 years

    243m to Ethiopia

    1.5b to Jordan

    1.3b to Egypt

    277m to Afghanistan

    380m to Somalia

    220m in Yemen

    414m to Congo

    535m to Syria

    That $9000 was an estimate for how much medical services may end up costing per immigrant in NYC.

    As another comment stated, the 750 was an emergency stipend, though the amount per person could definitely be argued as too low considering the cost of housing and land now.

    Almost all of these numbers you posted are overinflated to help create an us vs. them mentality. Don’t give in to the propaganda.

  14. greekch1mera on

    Ukraine is being enslaved with that money. They have to pay that back, with heavy interest rates as well with allowing US companies do business on Ukrainian soil.

    Only free money here is for Israel

  15. Our founding fathers may have been on to something with that whole non-interventionist thing.

  16. Mr_cypresscpl on

    These are all totals except the 750…. wonder what the final number would be

  17. if the blatant treachery isn’t completely obvious to people, idk what else to say.

    and to imagine people still lining up to vote, thinking it will change anything.

    the only way to stop this from happening, is to stop playing [their] game.

    fuck the federal government, it is against the people.

    [they] are going after us for trying to help out own fellow neighbor in the Carolinas, after the Hurricane came through.

    there are dead bodies hanging in the trees & the feds are threatening arrest for those trying to help, all while sending the NG overseas.

    the amount of treachery & despise for the American is OBVIOUS & REAL.

    American tax btw, goes to ONE place ONLY, back to the controllers & investors of the “Federal” Reserve private bank, to “pay back” the interest on the FIAT. it doesn’t go to any other services or “government” agency or association.

    so thats one way we as a people could turn this war around against us, STOP PAYING THEM TO FVCK US.

  18. DruidicMagic on

    That list was going strong until they hit the right wing super scary immigrants propaganda.

  19. DirtAlarming3506 on

    Ukraine got a bunch of old stuff mostly. Israel? The newest and best. All as a grant. And $250 billion over the years

  20. Zeppelin041 on

    Yup, and our cost of living continues to get f’d and not one of these current administrative fks give a flying damn, but continue to claim that “we will fix this”….

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