Putin unterzeichnet ein Gesetz, das Angeklagten Immunität gewährt, wenn sie in die Armee eintreten



  1. Please send every military available asset to Ukraine. Russia is crumbling and zero more Ukrainians should suffer because of Putins wrath.

  2. Perfidious0Albion on

    4 years later

    *Putin signs law revoking criminal immunity*

  3. So if you kill Putin, you can just go to the army to fight, and surrender?

  4. OkayButFoRealz on

    Next step: Frivolous law signings and mass arrests?

    Aka conscription with extra steps..

  5. I suspect the bar for “crime” is going to be set quite low very quickly.

  6. bestestopinion on

    I certainly hope this doesn’t lead to people being unduly accused of crimes

  7. So they can just arrest anybody for any BS reason then offer them this deal. Genius.

  8. SquirrelTeamSix on

    Doesn’t matter long term since he’s sending them all to be killed anyway.

  9. Majik_Sheff on

    So they’re just adding retroactivity to the criminal immunity of their soldiers.

    Keep beating that drum, Putin.  It’ll make it harder to tell if the boots are marching toward or away from you.

  10. The fine print probably says: “immunity for crimes committed within Ukraine”. But they probably aren’t making it back anyways.

  11. To defeat “criminals”, they will deploy criminals… (Criminals of their own laws)

    The eyes of the world are upon them, and it’s dismaying

  12. secretusername555 on

    Maybe the plan all along is to reduce numbers of people to get rid of the bad Apples. Once he’s got enough killed he may retreat.

  13. StressfulRiceball on

    So… Steal money, send offshore, go to jail, deploy to Ukraine, defect to Ukraine using offshore money, repeat

    Infinite money glitch?

  14. Apparently refusing to submit to conscription is a criminal offense for which joining the army would give immunity 🤔🙃

  15. So anyone dragged to court system can choose their punishment method to be torture in the army and execution by Ukrainian drone.

  16. Any one not facing a death penalty is now wether they go or stay catch 22

  17. Why do this if you’re supposed to have such a lopsided manpower advantage?

  18. I watched a video translating a few articles from Russian media. Due to prison conditions even people who got there because of their anti-war or anti-government rhetoric sign up for the army. People prefer a chance on the front lines than to rot there. They even streamlined the process; you can enlist in the army without a court sentence. What a wonderful death industry they created there. Citizen goes in, cargo 200 goes out.

  19. Seems like a good time to go into crime if you are Russian. Get caught. Get sent to Ukraine. Steal a piece of heavy equipment and sell it to Ukraine and defect there. Then you no longer have to be Russian, and if you die trying you still no longer have to be Russian.

  20. xerthighus on

    It’s important to note that with the Russian criminal justice system, it is likely that most of those individuals are likely in jail for having differing political opinions as the government or simply lacked the funds needed to pay a bribe.

  21. “I grant you immunity from all things except death in my pointless war.”

  22. GlobalTravelR on

    Maybe someone will kill Putin and then join the army.

    Wouldn’t that be ironic.

  23. jennasea412 on

    “Hey, my bone spurs are suddenly feeling better…I can finally join”

  24. SaltyRenegade on

    Stalin did this during WW2 where he would offer gulag prisoners freedom if they fought in the war.

    After the war most of the soldiers got sent back to the gulag lol

  25. DONGBONGER3000 on

    Are you reading this sign? Well guess what that’s illegal! Congratulations you are now going to Ukraine, please wait while the authorities come to pick you up.

  26. tonyislost on

    I’d take this offer and immediately surrender to Ukraine first chance I got.

  27. martusfine on

    Good. The Russians are losing. These “soldiers” are going to be worthless.

  28. killabeesplease on

    In a twist, Putin, himself a criminal of the highest order, heads straight to the front lines

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