„Schulleiter sagte, er hätte sich mich im Bikini vorgestellt“


Von Longjumping_Stand889


  1. Illegitimateopinion on

    >When Hill was head teacher it was a single academy school and he was the CEO of the trust as well as the head teacher. 
    >All of the women the BBC has spoken to said they feared that Hill would have known about any issues that were raised about him to the board.  
    >Scott Lyons, the Norfolk branch secretary of the National Education Union, said the single academy model did not work to protect staff.
    >He said any head teachers who also served as CEO of the trust could act without “oversight or scrutiny”.

    I’ve heard a lot from colleagues and friends who are teachers over the last ten years that the power dynamics in this manner allow headteachers to run things like a fiefdom. That someone this fucked up ended up doing stuff like this was sadly probably only a matter of time. 

  2. Seven_Balls on

    I implore everyone to watch the video of this guy near the end of the BBC article, being arrested.


    (Guy lying on ground refusing to go to the car)

    “We are literally going to carry you mate. You either stand up or we carry you”

    “You will never, ever be able to carry me”

    (Cuts to women officers carrying him)


    Join us next week, as our hero attempts to sue for “haandrads of faasands of paands”

  3. FamousBeyond852 on

    like this guy could actually have sex , he’s a walking heart attack.

    I did enjoy the , you’ll never be able to lift me skit

  4. Ravenser_Odd on

    The arrest video in the linked article is worth watching. That man did not surrender with dignity.

  5. Iamthe0c3an2 on

    Jesus, I’ve never seen anything more pathetic. Looked like he could have a heart attack any moment, bravo those women arresting him he was at least 3x their size.

  6. roasted-paragraphs on

    “You will **never**, **ever**, be able to carry me”

    *Smash cut to them carrying him*

  7. Hour-University-52 on

    Work at a shop he frequently visits/visited, can confirm, is a weirdo

  8. Is there a UK reddit group that isn’t all doom and gloom be cause this site just seems he’ll bent on destroying the UK..I know for a fact that there are Russian bots on this group… or maybe we can have a more balanced view point with the success stories such as thr launching of a new nuclear submarine

  9. Then-Physics-266 on

    At least he took his arrest with good grace and emerged with his dignity intact.

  10. DickLaurentisded on

    How on earth do such people often end up in positions of power.

  11. So have most of the men you’ve ever met, but we at least have the dignity not to say it out loud.

  12. GunstarGreen on

    I work in a university. I simple don’t understand how easy it is to simply not be a lecherous cunt. I am so paranoid about any female student or colleague being uncomfortable around me. I make sure every piece of correspondence is through appropriate emails, I don’t try.to be the students best friend, I don’t join in any conversation they have about anything sexual, even when they ask. It’s just really really easy to not be a dick about it. I don’t subscribe to the idea that this sort of carry-on is common or acceptable. It’s not about being a white knight, it’s just…it’s human decency.

  13. zephyrthewonderdog on

    That arrest was absolutely hilarious. I imagine he had several opportunities to present himself at the local police station with his solicitor. Probably thought they wouldn’t actually come for him.

    “Would you like to just sit in the back of the car sir? Or would you like the full handcuffed, roll on the floor, dragged away kicking and screaming experience? “

    “ Ooh Option 2 please!”

  14. What an absolute bellend. Hope the teachers he harassed get to live a peaceful life from here on out.

  15. InfernalEspresso on

    20 weeks seems appropriate, but the inconsistency annoys me when people generally walk free after glassing someone in the face.

  16. GarageFlower97 on

    >When Hill was head teacher it was a single academy school and he was the CEO of the trust as well as the head teacher. 
    >All of the women the BBC has spoken to said they feared that Hill would have known about any issues that were raised about him to the board.  
    >Scott Lyons, the Norfolk branch secretary of the National Education Union, said the single academy model did not work to protect staff.
    >He said any head teachers who also served as CEO of the trust could act without “oversight or scrutiny”.

    Teachers and others involved in education have been warning about this for years. The academy system has overwhelmingly been negative for schools and education and has led to utterly unaccountable headteachers on massive salaries running schools with barely any checks on their power.

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