Die Durchschnittstemperatur lag im September 1992 bei 14,84 °C, während sie im September 2024 16,17 °C erreichte, was einem Anstieg von 1,33 °C entspricht.



  1. Defiant-Specialist-1 on

    This is really cool.

    I have a deep interest in the weather and am considering a project to correlation barometric pressure changes to major transitions/shift especially fast impacts for sudden.

    I have a suspicion that the weather is impacting people more than they know. I want the TV Mets to start talking abt pressure changes like they do air quality – if you ave problems with inflammation or chronic illness you may have some problems 2-4,etc. eventually we can start teaching people to self monitor their stress load better and reduce accidental fights and many of things that cause suffering.

    I’m medically retired at present but am working to get back to my career in disaster response. Do you have any ideas suggestions data sets? I come from a pracrioner background but managed countless projects similar to this in my career.

    (My bday is also in Sept)

    Thanks for sharing!

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