Europäische Kommission will Ungarns Souveränitätsschutzgesetz vor Gericht bringen

Von guyoffthegrid


  1. guyoffthegrid on

    “The European Commission is planning to move the infringement proceedings launched over Hungary’s Sovereignty Protection Act forward, Népszava has learned from several sources.

    The EU body launched the proceedings in February as it sees the law as violating several provisions of primary and secondary EU law, including:

    – EU democratic values;
    – the principle of democracy and the right of EU citizens to vote;
    – a number of fundamental rights enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (such as the right to the respect of private and family life, the right to the protection of personal data, the freedom of expression and information, the freedom of association, the right to an effective remedy and to a fair trial, the prohibition of self-incrimination and lawyer-client privilege);
    – EU legal standards on the protection of personal data;
    – and a number of rules applicable to the internal market.

    The Hungarian government was first given two months to make amendments or explain itself, but failed to do so, so the next stage followed in May.”

  2. FewLink1412 on

    Time for them to leave. So they can finally become a dicksucking slave country of Russia like they so badly want to be. 

  3. hosszufaszoskelemen on

    The Sovereignity Comission recently got an old III/III communist agent in its higher ranks. So funny watching old commies return to their old positions in the National Conservative Christian Hungary

  4. TheTealMafia on

    Good. Take out the fangs of this corrupt government, so we can have a chance at f*cking them up – or for them to shoot themselves in the foot, as they keep doing that lately

  5. ryobiprideworldwide on

    Someone correct me if I’m wrong (no emotional hyperbole needed)

    Has the state of Hungary been actively harming other EU countries in any tangible way?

    As far as I understand, there are two – and only two – things that the state of Hungary is doing that could have negative effects on the Eurozone — and both are defensive actions.

    1: They are refusing to accept the economic blackmail of dangerous illegals – which is a reasonable thing for any sovereign state to decide to do, and is objectively a defensive procedure rather than an “attack” in any way in the EU

    2: they do not support the state of Ukraine. Whether they are right or wrong in this is truly irrelevant. What’s important is that as a sovereign nation they have a right to decide what they want to support, and how they want to use their own nation’s resources. This, again, is defensive, and not an attack on the EU.

    I’m very confused why there is such violent, irrational, , emotional, borderline psychotic anger toward a country that as far as I can see has done absolutely nothing at all to attack the EU other than not do two very specific things that were demanded of them by leaders in Brussels which would pretty much objectively negatively affected their country, and furthermore, is absolutely the right of each sovereign nation to decide for themselves.

    With this in mind – the hate I see toward them in this thread and every single other thread having to do with Hungary seems nonsensical and dangerous and even the sign of deeply disturbed individuals.

    Please correct me if I’m wrong about something (please don’t use emotional hyperbole).

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