Füchse, Dachse und Hasen werden als lebende Köder im illegalen Wildtierhandel verkauft


Von Starkidof9


  1. Melodic-Chocolate-53 on

    “Illegal hare coursing”

    Like the legal kind is soooo much better.

  2. Brilliant investigative article, how is it that time and time again humans are shown to be the absolute worst living thing in Ireland?
    I can’t even watch the video on the article, the pictures are bad enough.

    If any political party goes after these absolute scumbags as well as the greyhound industry, I will vote for them for the rest of my life. I want to see all these pricks in prison.

  3. *”Hey honey, do you want to watch Ripley on Netflix?”*

    *”Nah, I’m gonna watch some dogs eviscerate a fox in a barn”*

  4. Buaille_Ruaille on

    Some coursing folk will do anything to blood their greyhounds. Government gave an extra 4m in the budget to the horse/greyhound industry.

  5. Due-Communication724 on

    So far this morning, we have this, we have 8 people torturing a women and we have a fully grown man in court for punching his 8 year old child. I might need a few hours off the internet to settle the blood pressure.

  6. TheStoicNihilist on

    We don’t take wildlife crime seriously here. You’d get a €500 fine and told to be on your way no matter how depraved the crime.

  7. Anyone caught doing this should be shot. Absolute scum of the earth.

  8. Fine Gael and Fianna Fail gave the greyhound industry a nice bump in funding this week.

    Them and their tory friends love bloodsports and hunting innocent animals. Scumbags.

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