Putin wird immer unbeliebter. Aus Angst vor öffentlicher Unzufriedenheit fordert der Kreml die russischen Staatsmedien auf, nicht über die Erhöhung der Verteidigungsausgaben zu berichten



  1. DerStuermischeHeinz on

    That’ll help. He might also open the Vodka taps. At any rate: get your popcorn everyone 😊

  2. 41% of the federal budget? Damn. Sad really. Shows that the war of aggression, which offers nothing for average Russians, is the Kremlin’s absolute #1 priority.

    Why spend so much on a war with nothing to win?

    Oh, right…because people might not take Pooty seriously if he loses. No, not Russian slaves, he can just kill them if they don’tlike him. FOREIGN people might not take him seriously. Russian slavizens must sacrifice their wealth and lives so that foreigners respect Putin. Looking tough to foreigners is more important than being alive.

    I know I sound like I’m being facetious, but seriously. It’s like a Greek tragedy, a self-fulfilling prophecy. The Russian government especially fears being seen as weak, so it will sacrifice anything to appear strong, even the nation’s actual strength, which then stokes their fears of appearing weak. A never-ending cycle of destroying the nation.

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