Spanien hätte für seinen laxen Haushalt bestraft werden müssen, sagen EU-Berater

Von giuliomagnifico


  1. Remember, the EU isn´t meant to be a state, it´s an economic union so let their members do what they wish as long as the people in their countries have all democratic freedoms.

  2. SanTomasdAquin on

    Socialist governments don’t need to follow rules for responsible fiscal management. But punishing Poland or Hungary for not accepting immigrants is OK. That’s the EU…

  3. We are still reducing our debt/GDP ratio, and our economy is one the best when it comes to economic growth inside the eurozone, so we are going in the right direction.

    Didn’t we learn how focusing on debt without caring for anything else was a mistake during last 2008 crisis? We are still lagging behind the US or China due to the consequences of enforcing an insanely strict economic policy.

    Let’s not repeat the same mistakes again.

  4. Curious to why they would scold a country that has deficit but actual growth or those that have below 60% debt to gdp threshold. Next year we will potentially see massive deficit since some professions were linked to average salary. It will be ridiculous if they eu takes action against us while our growth outpaces debt to gdp which currently stands at 21%.

  5. Professional-Wish656 on

    Spain with that president is like a monkey with a machine gun.

  6. cheesemaster_3000 on

    Euronews is owned by buddies of the Hungarian dictator Orban.

  7. Inside_Connection166 on

    Yes cause Austerity death cult works great everywhere else. Clown shit

  8. Conscious-Bed4876 on

    It’s insane to me that the eu think they can comment on sovreign countries like this

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