1. franchisedfeelings on

    Anybody else would have been in jail a long time ago – but instead, a faithful gullible cult picks a skeevy insurrectionist fraudster scumbag to run as president – again. W. T. F. amerikkka.

  2. onceinawhile222 on

    Remember JD and his forthright stance on the election. We don’t need no stinking acknowledgment we lost. We can create a narrative to convince our listeners of what really happened. If you replace a few words in the cat story you understand. Haitians (Democrats) ate (stole) the cats (election).

  3. The republicans could care less about any court case or new evidence. They are moving forward on inserting a dictator. JD Vance says Americans need to get use to having a dictator. It’s recorded on camera.


  4. PuffinSinse on

    Good! no sentence is too harsh for him he should have been hung after the insurrection just like Saddam Hussein!

  5. Cheap_Collar2419 on

    Trump could Se. assault a child live on TV and would not lose a voter. This is only damning to non-trump voters.

  6. Emotional-Royal8944 on

    The only convicted felon that can do anything he wants, nobody else in the free world has that luxury, fucking sad state of affairs

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