Ist jemand bereit, unsere Leute in North Carolina zu retten? Regierung zwingt Hubschrauber zum Stillstand Jonathan Howard führt mit einigen Freunden Rettungsaktionen durch – er rettete ein 11 Tage altes Neugeborenes.

Von missscarlett1977


  1. missscarlett1977 on

     why the post is relevant to the sub: we need to know more about how to help our fellow Americans trapped in the mountains of NC and why our system is not helping to save lives.

  2. foothilllbull530 on

    Cleetus McFarland was air dropping supplies the last few days. I think

  3. How difficult is it for a state to change its name? North and South Ukraine would have trillions rn

  4. joggywitit on

    It’s bad in WNC. The rest of the world may move on but there are people still trapped in the mountains with no access to food or water.

  5. InfectedPineapple on

    Agreed, OP. The hurricane would have never happened if Biden didn’t steal the election in 2020. We need Harris out of the White House so we can get back to living actual lives instead of existing under the shadow of Mr. Hussein Obama.

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