[OC] Wie alt sind Künstler, die einen Nr.-1-Hit in den Billboard Hot 100 landen?

Von noisymortimer


  1. noisymortimer on

    Source: Billboard, Wikipedia

    Tools: Excel

    Earlier this week, I posted a chart showing the [average age of chart-topping artists](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1fs84d7/oc_average_age_to_for_pop_stars_over_the_decades/) and got some helpful feedback about how Datawrapper made the plot look discontinuous. I moved it into Excel and showed the distribution of ages rather than just the average. I generated this for [a piece](https://www.cantgetmuchhigher.com/p/72d2d106-0ba5-43b0-854c-f9d76410337a?postPreview=paid&updated=2024-09-28T20%3A49%3A51.885Z&audience=only_paid&free_preview=false&freemail=) I wrote here. Thanks for the feedback!

  2. MotorizedDoucheCanoe on

    Surge of grey in the 80’s due to phil collins / peter gabriel?

  3. DeathStarVet on

    This actually confirms something that I had a hunch about for a long time – that the artists that were big in the 70s and 80s really put their time in during the 60s and 70s to get where they were.

    That 10-19 jump in the early 2000s really explains a lot about where music went/how it got there after that. I’m sure there are young phenoms… but this just reeks of corporate music to me.

  4. Priamosish on

    Older artists: have opinions, established, financially savier (boooo)

    Young artists: malleable, will do anything for exposure, won’t notice management takes a generous cut (yay)

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