Simon Harris spielt Wahlgespräche herunter (während er in Dublin mit Fine-Gael-Kandidaten wirbt)

Von Important_Farmer924


  1. SeaworthinessOne170 on

    Yeah he’s not gonna budge on this till he has to. It will be next year

  2. Static-Jak on

    Seemed to be reliant on how well the budget was recieved.

    From anyone I’ve talked to the impression is it was a bit of a handout budget but with nothing that would help them in the long term. More short term relief, maybe some extra cash in the back pocket for Christmas.

    Nothing really negative about it, just nothing to write home about. Keeping to the status quo, for good or bad.

  3. Politicians don’t say that they are going to call an election until they actually call the election. It would be incredibly stupid from their perspective, the biggest power a Taoiseach has is their ability to call an election at a time (mostly) of their choosing, Harris isn’t about to throw that away because a journalist asks him a question.

  4. DBrennan13459 on

    Jesus, Simon, just call the election or don’t. I’m just sick to death of this posturing bullshit.

  5. He might be best going now. As war in the middle east won’t be long putting the aul petroleum and diesel back over 2 quid a litre. If you are dependent on Kerosene I’d fill as much as possible now. If it’s a cold winter (we are due one) and high energy prices so any positives won’t last long.

  6. Mundane-Inevitable-5 on

    Any plans to be doing the same thing in the North inner city or will their canvassing reflect their Governance and just completely neglect it?

  7. hatrickpatrick on

    What exactly is their thinking in delaying it until the end of the term? I despise this government probably more than most, but from a strategic point of view, SF seem to have totally thrown away the advantage they had, and FG has recovered somewhat – feels like any delay now is just giving the opposition time for something to go wrong and hammer FG again?

    From an unbiased, purely PolSci perspective, what possible advantage is there in waiting?

  8. Plays down election talk….while canvassing?

    Just fucking call it Simon.

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