Besorgnis über die „Weigerung“ von Polizisten, jüdische Gebäude zu bewachen

Von fotogneric


  1. fotogneric on

    “Police chiefs [in the Netherlands] have admitted to changing duty rotas to accommodate officers who have ‘moral objections’ to protecting Jewish events and buildings such as the national holocaust museum.”

    … Justice minister David van Weel said it was ‘unacceptable’ for officers to refuse to go on duty for reasons of conscience.

    ‘I can’t stop what people think, feel or believe,’ he said. ‘But you should leave it at home. As a police officer, as soon as you put on your uniform you have a job to do, and that job is totally neutral.’ “

  2. QuestGalaxy on

    Any police officer refusing to guard a Jewish building or any other minority/religious building or honestly any type of building or people should be fired. The Justice minister is completely correct here.

  3. Confident_Resolution on

    “We take moral objections into account when we make the rotas. But if there is an urgent job to do they go on duty whether they want to or not.”

    In other words, its an absolute non-story.

  4. Middle_Trouble_7884 on

    Are they truly unwilling to guard Jewish sites, such as synagogues, or are they refusing to guard places like the Israeli embassy?

    If it’s the former, it would indeed be antisemitism, with no excuses; if it’s the latter, it might simply reflect differing views and opinions regarding the socio-geopolitical context and a disagreement with the measures that the state, whose embassy they are refusing to guard, is adopting….

  5. Gold-Instance1913 on

    Having moral objections to performing duties should be grounds on immediate release from service, with social rights equal to serious dereliction of duty / not showing up for work.

  6. PricklyPierre on

    I guess it’s better that they reveal their biases so they won’t be assigned to a duty they won’t fulfill. Remember cops in Washington escorting the insurgents past barricades. Best not to Jewish people relying on security detail that will just stand back during an attack.

  7. physiotherrorist on

    Yeah, what’s next? Doctors or nurses who refuse to treat Jewish people? Waiters who refuse to serve Jewish people? For f*ck sake, what is wrong with these people?

  8. Unwipedbutthole on

    Jesus christ, the fact that there are even any security risks just gives away the whole picture.

    Europe is unequivocally fucked.

  9. I think a lot of Europeans still have their own “doubts” about Jewish people/culture.

    For centuries, the Jewish were seen and acquired a fame of being a close circle which accumulated riches and controlled either the economy or the politics (or both) and therefore “subjugated” the common people by being over-represented in the high spheres.

    That’s why Spain on the XV century made the Jewish expulsions and why they had their own things on Europe years and years before the famous Austrian untalented artists.

    And from there, we now have even today that kind of “I don’t want nothing with the Jews” mentality on parts of Europe.

    I don’t want to excuse it, but it’s not they are nazis and Hitler fans, it’s just they inherited the common mentality about Jews and are wary of them.

    Of course, it’s a very very bad behaviour and they should be taked of their position if they refuse to protect human beings no matter their beliefs

  10. It’s tough to separate the Jews from Israel politics for some people

  11. NecroVecro on

    > We take moral objections into account when we make the rotas. But if there is an urgent job to do they go on duty whether they want to or not.

    This doesn’t sound that bad (though I honestly agree with the justice minister), but not wanting to guard the holocaust museum is really weird.
    Like I understand the hate for Israel but if you have a moral objection to that job, in my eyes you are either antisemitic or something much worse.

  12. anxcaptain on

    Israel is a PR nightmare…. Neti has to go, clean up must take place for the good of Jewish people everywhere.

  13. sapitonmix on

    The level of antisemitism tolerated in Western Europe is astonishing. And nobody in charge is brave enough to point at the reason.

  14. felixkater on

    There’s no real reason why Jewish buildings deserve special protection from a secular nation. Isn’t that also discrimination?

    The less of the middle east imported to Europe, the better.

  15. BodyFewFuark on

    Western Europe full of nazi kinder.  

    Those countries didnt fight Hitler because the populations largely welcomed the ideology he brought. Parents then passed those values on thier offspring.

  16. Excellent-Shock7792 on

    Check LinkedIn to see how Mossad-affiliated groups create and manage federal community pages with 200k followers, which are nearly indistinguishable from official agency pages. These pages frequently post derogatory content aimed at influencing federal employees, such as those in U.S. Customs and Border Protection, to incite anti-Muslim sentiment. Just to mention one category, one social platform… so we have no time to hear anyone biching about police officers who ask not to be assigned to certain tasks. And I mean… Do you really want someone who asks to recluse him/herself from protecting you, to protect you?

  17. jjpamsterdam on

    Next stop: PVV voting police officers (of whom there are many) start having moral objections to patrolling Muslim majority neighborhoods?

    A police officer, just like any other representative of the state, must keep his personal biases separate from his work. He is supposed to serve all citizens and people living in the country, no matter their skin colour, religion or political leaning.

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