IDF veröffentlichen erste Aufnahmen des Bodenmanövers im Südlibanon

Von Shekel_Hadash


  1. CryptoAnchorite on

    is „manoeuvre“ the new word for „special military operation“?

  2. ThatDudeWith99Dicks on

    There are videos of multiple CASEVAC helicopters flying low from today morning, looks like they got ambushed upon entering the border.

  3. Space-Wasted on

    So Israel is invading it’s neighbours.
    So not IDF, but IAF.
    I really hope Iran is able to destroy all air bases, and disable the military machine.
    There is a genocide going on, and the west is to pussy to do something about it

  4. kettleheed on

    Hope the US taxpayer is prepared. If Bibi keeps esculating it will be coming out of their pockets, while Europe can look forward to a new wave of immigration. I really don’t see his endgame here beyond just staying in power.

  5. don-corle1 on

    I’m generally pretty pro Israel but I’m not sure this is very thought out. Ground incursions pose significant risk of loss of life and Israel was doing just fine hitting them from the air. 2006 wasn’t pretty, I don’t think this will be either.

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