Indien: Polizei nimmt 600 streikende Samsung-Arbeiter bei Protest fest | Tausende Mitarbeiter des südkoreanischen Unternehmens streiken seit dem 9. September. Sie fordern bessere Löhne, 8-Stunden-Arbeitstage und die Anerkennung der Gewerkschaft.


  1. Recogniz3Wealth on

    So India is the next China where desperate workers jump out of windows?!

  2. wetsock-connoisseur on

    They earn 36000 inr monthly when average wage for industrial workers in the Chennai area is around 19000 inr, they want it to double to 72000 inr, they want an option wherein their child gets a job at the factory after they die and they want 50000 inr annual remuneration for their children’s school fees, all of this in a court where earning 25k monthly puts you in the top 10% of earners

    This is the sort of BS that has kept industries out of India and driven it into china and southeast Asia, I sincerely hope this is dealt with seriously

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