Ehemaliger Vorsitzender der BC-Grünen lobt die BC-Konservativen


  1. green_tory on

    I’m sharing this simply because I want more people to know how absolutely despicable Andrew Weaver is.

    The former leader of the BC Greens attacked the federal Greens shortly after leaving his party at the moment it most needed a capable leader to succeed; and is now backing a party that will kill the carbon tax and bring in fossil fuel power creation, through gas and waste wood power plants.

    > “I would have assumed, given his life’s work, that Dr. Weaver would have no difficulty making a decision about which side to choose, but that’s really up to him,” Eby said.

    Mr Eby, you are a more generous individual than I am. In my opinion, Weaver has made it absolutely clear that Climate is not the upmost concern to him. He’s willing to throw away the future because he’s worried that some housing policies might limit short term rentals, improve diversity in housing options, and harm real estate investing, apparently.

    > Weaver added that he doesn’t view climate change to be “the greatest issue facing humanity right now.” Instead, he considered it to be the rise of authoritarian regimes, pointing to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

    … Authoritarian regimes are an existential threat to Democracy. Climate Change is an existential threat to Civilization, with a timespan of a century or less.^[0](,[1](,[2](,[3](,^[4](

    > B.C. Green Party Leader Sonia Furstenau told CBC News that the B.C. Conservatives are not taking climate change seriously enough and are not prepared to address its impact on the province. She also criticized Weaver for his apparent support of the B.C. Conservative Party.
    > “Well, I, think that this is a person that has demonstrated that he has no allegiance to either political parties or to values, it appears,” she said.

    Solid assessment.

    Weaver has exposed himself as the sort of greenwashed anti-Government granola hippy that’s as likely to be anti-vax and anti-wifi as they are to be anti-urbanists.

  2. doogie1993 on

    Insane and super weird heel turn from Weaver tbh. The wildest part is the “climate change isn’t the greatest threat to humanity, authoritarianism is” which 1) why was this guy the leader of the Green Party if this is what he thinks? And 2) if that’s truly what he believes, which I doubt, supporting a right wing party is an extremely odd tack for him as it completely flies in the face of being anti-authoritarian. In my view, either Weaver has a strong personal grudge against Eby, or he’s getting some sort of financial incentive somehow out of supporting the BC Conservatives.

  3. Not too surprising, TBH. The Greens from what I could tell were conservatives for the most part but for the caring about the environment bit. Pretty much everything else is fairly in line with Conservative approaches and ideology.

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