In der Ukraine testet ein US-Unternehmen ein vielversprechendes Werkzeug gegen GPS-Störsender: Mobiltelefone. Könnte die „Vernetzung von Telefonen zu einer großen verteilten Antenne“ dazu beitragen, die elektronische Kriegsführung Russlands zu verhindern?


  1. Same principle as Kometa antenna, it seems.

    Long as there’s nothing tapping on the connections, might be workable

  2. AwwwComeOnLOU on

    It could work. If a network of “phones” was linked together and one gets GPS jammed the others could share triangulated data over the network for an alternative way to precisely locate.

    This assumes the “network” does not also get jammed.

  3. LordPollax on

    The problem would be all the spam calls telling you that your car warranty has expired.

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