Großbritanniens letztes Kohlekraftwerk wird geschlossen und damit 142 Jahre Kohlekraft im Vereinigten Königreich beendet

Von Fox_9810


  1. Adorable_Pee_Pee on

    Britain has the most expensive electricity in the developed world. We import wood from North America to burn in [renewable energy power plants]( that are brought across in oil burning ocean liners and are subsidised at £1 million a day. Meanwhile china [produces more Co2 than all the developed countries combined](

  2. juanito_f90 on

    Don’t worry, we’ll continue importing energy from France and their nuclear plants and Norway and their oil plants.

    On top of that, Grid are seriously considering investing in HV cables from Morocco to buy more electricity.

    Why we don’t have tidal plants all around the coast of our island nation is a mystery. Tides are reliable and predictable, unlike wind or solar.

  3. chin_waghing on

    Ooh yay, can’t wait for energy prices to go up even more because the wind changed direction this week

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