Tom Mulcair: Wird Trudeau bei der Prorogation den Abzug betätigen?


  1. koolaidkirby on

    The only time this worked was when the PM wanted to stop an unpopular motion by the opposition. In this case the PM is the unpopular one so it would probably backfire spectacularly.

  2. UnionGuyCanada on

    Worked for Harper and Poilievre back in 2008. They stopped the other parties from taking power. Liberals haven’t been threatened with lose of power, yet.

  3. Bentstrings84 on

    If there’s a possibility that Trudeau might prorogue parliament would it motivate the other parties to bring him down? I saw Mulcair on CTV say Trudeau might prorogue and let the party look for a new leader, but all the opposition parties want to run against Trudeau. If they care more about running against Trudeau than delaying an election the government could fall.

  4. I think the most similar example of how prorogation could work in this case would be to look at Ontario in 2012 and not Harper’s prorogation.

    To set the context, the Ontario Liberal had been in power since 2003 (about 9 years), the party was losing support. After they were unable to get a majority following 2 by-elections, McGuinty prorogues Parliament and resigns.

    Following a leadership race Kathleen Wynne is elected leader and , despite polls suggesting a Progressive Conservative win or, at best, another Liberal minority, the Ontario Liberals wins a majority.

    That may be the game plan, IF (big if) prorogation is actually an idea being strongly considered by Trudeau. A lot of the behind the scenes actors from the Ontario Liberals are part of or still influential with the current Federal Liberals, like Gerald Butts.

  5. Coffeedemon on

    Muclair is basically a closet conservative at this point. Is he just bringing up prorogation because he knows the American media will run with it as though it is a foregone conclusion and he’s stealing power?

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