Trump wurde gedemütigt, nachdem er eine ECHTE politische Frage erhalten hatte, und ist überhaupt nicht in der Lage, die Frage zu beantworten


  1. Old_WoolEyes911 on

    Lol what?

    He hasn’t answered a real policy question the entire goddamn time!

  2. Trump does not feel shame. He doesn’t like being called weird, but don’t think that extends to feeling shame. He is way too narcissistic for that

  3. It’s like tRump invented psychological defense mechanisms like denial

  4. straylight_2022 on

    A month ago when Tulsi Gabbard interviewed him she asked a question about IVF.

    HIs response was to babbel about “no tax on tips”.

    She didn’t even bat an eye at that.

    The only policy he has are the things the project 2025 folks have written for him. ….and vengeance.

  5. Troll_in_the_Knoll on

    The headline is totally fucking wrong. Someone has to have humility to be humilated.

  6. Southern-Girl-56 on

    And they have the nerve to say that Harris doesn’t talk enough about policy. He is a blubbering idiot!

  7. Secure_Ship_3407 on

    How on God’s green earth did the village idiot become the nation’s idiot? It appears, sadly, our nation has many more idiots than we could begin to imagine.

  8. OutComeTheWolves1966 on

    He hasn’t answered a policy question in 9 years. Why start now.

  9. EntertainerAlive4556 on

    He hasn’t had anything past “concepts of a plan” in almost a fucking decade. His base doesn’t care, all they care about is owning the libs

  10. BadSignificant8458 on

    Trump has mashed potatoes and gravy for brains so nobody should ever expect coherent answers from him on anything. He’s as dumb as a doorknob.

  11. meat_beast1349 on

    Its because he’s lazy and could care less about doing anything for Americans but Keep us divided so he can pick our treasury clean.

    He wants the trappings of the office but not the work. Him and melania want to turn the white house into another gaudy golden turd like his properties.

  12. HaraldWurlitzer on

    **They**’re **Eating** The **Dogs**!

    The perfect answer for any political question!

  13. youmightbeafascist88 on

    Humiliation requires that he feel shame. He does not. Next!

  14. Debs_4_Pres on

    The question was about how his policies will effect the deficit. He rambled incoherently about trade and all the growth he expects. He will not feel shame about this answer, and it is far from the first time he’s completely failed to answer a policy question.

    There, saved you a click 

  15. onimush115 on

    This website is atrocious. So many ads it’s nearly unreadable on mobile. 

  16. franchisedfeelings on

    WTF!!! This happened during the debateS – like it happens ALL the time. He deflects and lies because he is so fucking stupid. Geezus h…

  17. This article infers that actual policy has any meaning at all to those who are going to vote for him.

    Let’s be honest – every vote for Trump is simply a vote for hate.

  18. And this has been going on for years. Trump never talks policy. Why is this news?

  19. Straight-Storage2587 on

    Trump humiliated?

    Any other person who spouted his shit would be hiding their faces in deep, abject shame.

  20. CaregiverBrilliant60 on

    His answers are always so dumb. Ask him what he had for breakfast and you’ll get a lecture about how he was the man of the year on some dog magazine. Like was it Mug Pugs or Pounds & Hounds?

  21. Let me guess, he talked about how he received some factious man of the year award for 15 minutes then shit his diaper.

  22. Prepaid_tomato on

    I like when trump said “Saudi Arabia, Russia, repeedoo… ahhh.”

  23. For me, this was the key thing

    > If he tells them “Kamala destroyed California,” they might actually ask him how, as no one has seemed to yet.

  24. “Former President Trump, what will you do to jumpstart the economy?”


  25. unchartedpear on

    Bro literally any question he gets asked about anything he starts talking about himself after like 2 sentences

  26. Potstocks45 on

    I just watched cbs interview a lady senator wtf. CBS sane washing stupidity jd Vance is a moron …. Reporters are working ratings

  27. He’s too fucking stupid and narcissistic to have any humility, let alone be humiliated.

  28. VariationNervous8213 on

    And herein is where the mystery lies, I believe. That question was a succinct – but tough – one, yes. (Not trying to be partisan but I’ve seen Obama answer detailed questions like that beautifully.) I venture to guess that many of Shitler’s followers didn’t understand that question either but felt validated because neither did “a former president.” I truly believe that he makes them feel better about not being able to understand (maybe this is the same about minorities where English isn’t their first language as well???) instead of invoking an internal desire to become more able to understand.

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