Iranischer Raketenbeschuss trifft Israel

Von Spook_485


  1. guarddog33 on

    This angle is insane. The rest haven’t shown much in the way of what isn’t being intercepted, but this? Good lord

  2. AncientCable7296 on

    This is some of the wildest footage I’ve seen in a long time

  3. This is a nightmare. I dont think there’s avoiding war with Iran directly now anymore.

  4. Dave111angelo on

    IDF supposedly reporting no casualties but I’m willing to bet the financial and physical damage is significantly more massive than the last attack

  5. Ok_Character6186 on

    I have a feeling Israel will be declaring war on Iran shortly.

  6. Should be an eye opener for the claims that nuclear missiles can be reliably intercepted. These things in theory should be a lot easier to stop but it turns out BMD is ridiculously difficult.

  7. Fine_Gur_1764 on

    Soooo… where does Israel go from here? How do they escalate/respond?

    A ground invasion seems unfeasible, especially as they’re bogged down in Gaza and Southern Lebanon.

    Just intrigued to see what they do next, I guess.

  8. Zombie-Lenin on

    Yep, as said in another comment I believe the IDF has already claimed to have intercepted “most” of the ballistic missiles targeting Israel.

    Given the clustering here I am counting a whole bunch of Iranian missiles that either hit their intended target, or got close enough to count.

    I know it has to be this way because of how armed conflicts work, but I hate it when I am very obviously lied to… especially when it comes from a country with democratic institutions like Israel.

  9. Crap, this time it looks like a lot got through…

    Makes me wonder if Israel this time around didn’t get any additional help from the neighbouring, nations between them and Iran…

    Hopefully Iran managed to target actual military sites and didn’t hit civilian areas. Beacuse theses strikes look very broad…

  10. Vivid-fawn on

    It’s a military airfield mostly empty so won’t be many casualties here

  11. GroundbreakingPut748 on

    Apparently the only people who were harmed were Palestinians

  12. Late_Stage-Redditism on

    Oh shit, I guess Iran had something a bit spicier than your regular Hamas garage-rocket. First time I’ve seen numerous impacts like this get through Iron Dome.

  13. slightlyrabidpossum on

    Initial reports are only two people lightly wounded by shrapnel. That might seem low given the number of impacts, but this is what CNN has reported:

    >Israel assessed that Iran was likely to attack three Israeli air bases and an intelligence base located just north of Tel Aviv, a person briefed on the matter said. The intelligence base in Glilot was evacuated Tuesday afternoon, and the Israeli military has put contingency plans for the safety of personnel at those bases into effect.

    If those casualty numbers don’t rise, the extent of the damage to those bases could determine the severity of Israel’s retaliation.

  14. HellPhish89 on

    This is what ‘escalation managemen’ and ‘peace at all costs’ look like.

  15. 0xPsy63686564 on

    oh well…time to stockpile food cans and prepare my bunker…

  16. SourLoafBaltimore on

    Does this mean the IDF is going to leave Palestinians alone?

  17. Goddammit, even less aid to ukraine now due to the us covering the israelis asses

  18. Ajaws24142822 on

    Shit is about to get so fucking real that it’s genuinely terrifying

  19. Sir-Belledontis on

    We are witnessing the opening salvos of a war where many will perish. Through all of our advances in science, technology, communication and social norms, we cannot escape the brutality we carry in our hearts.

    We have fooled ourselves into believing that we are different, we are better than we were before. This is fallacy. We are the same creatures that we have always been. The only difference now is that we have all the information we need at our fingertips to prevent conflict but we choose to turn our backs to it.

  20. I’m heading to bed. Let’s see what is gonna happen when i wake up.

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