Der Premierminister von Quebec bringt die Idee von „Wartezonen“ in Kanada für Asylbewerber ins Spiel


  1. Can’t read the article because it’s paywalled, but a “waiting zone” sounds like a code name for internment camps.

  2. This should face serious push back from the federal government. It’s going to open up a can of worms on human rights issues nationally and internationally, and you best bet they are going to blame whoever is Prime Minister. There’s a lot that the federal government lets Quebec get away with. But this is something that should be condemned by all, because it’s effectively an internment camp that Legault is proposing. Shameful.

  3. TreezusSaves on

    They just want to set up *camps* so they can *concentrate* the asylum seekers. Haven’t you gone to a camp? Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it!

    Whoever thought this up probably would have spoke glowingly about Japanese internment camps.

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