Das Webb-Teleskop entdeckt Spuren von Kohlendioxid auf der Oberfläche von Plutos größtem Mond



  1. If Pluto is a dwarf planet then Charon is also a dwarf planet in a binary dwarf planet system. The barycenter between the two is beyond the surface of Pluto.

    Even Styx, Nix, Kerberos and Hydra orbit the combined center of mass of the two dwarf planets.

  2. Charon gets some of its thin atmosphere from Pluto – Charon is pretty close to Pluto.

    But apparently scientists think the CO2 and H2O2 comes from Charon, not Pluto. The theory is the H2O2 comes from cosmic radiation hitting water ice on Charon; and the CO2 comes from under the surface of Charon.

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