Video aus North Carolina nach Hurrikan Helene ist schwer anzusehen | Unterdessen stimmten 82 Republikaner dafür, die Regierung zu schließen, da ein katastrophaler Sturm darauf vorbereitet war, ein Viertel des Landes zu verwüsten.


  1. >Last week, as Helene was winding up in the Gulf of Mexico, strengthening almost by the minute, the House of Representatives voted on a spending package that would have prevented a government shutdown. Eighty-two Republicans voted to shut down the government as a catastrophic storm prepared to devastate a quarter of the country. Let’s look at the box score.

    >The no votes included eleven members of the House from Florida, including thoroughgoing blowhard Rep. Byron Donald; three from Tennessee; and all five of the Republican members from South Carolina. North Carolina’s delegation remarkably showed good sense; only Rep. Dan Bishop voted against the spending package.

  2. TheDeepStateDirector on

    Almost every Republican voted AGAINST FEMA emergency funding last week.

  3. inagartendevito on

    The anti-abortion folks spent decades hiring lawyers to write articles for judges to cite when handing down anti rulings. Leonard Leo is doing the same with climate denial-he’s going to get a bunch of fake science accepted by the courts so big business can keep damaging the planet. Then he spends $$ on politicians and there goes our checks and balances.

  4. Ban-Circumcision-Now on

    What’s more sad is the areas hit are very red areas. These people are now demanding the government help them and rebuild all this infrastructure where much of it economically never made much sense to pave roads and provide utilities to the middle of nowhere

  5. Suffering in an election year is good for the opposition party.

    But republicans are the only ones that use this inhumane tactic.

  6. vid_icarus on

    And don’t forget ALL republicans want to dismantle FEMA entirely.

  7. poppa_slap_nuts on

    A government shutdown would not have shut down government response to the hurricane. Things like FEMA would still be operating.

  8. mironawire on

    I was thinking of using ACAB to reference ‘R’epublicans instead of ‘C’ops, but the result was… problematic.

  9. jamarchasinalombardi on

    And the same people who are suffering this event will gleefully vote for the (R) in the voting booth on November 5th. Its why I am having a very hard time finding my humanity these days.

  10. Adorable-Tooth-462 on

    Dontcha know the scariest words in the English language?

    “I’m from the government and I’m here to help”

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