Eine russische Su-35S kollidiert beinahe mit einer amerikanischen F-16 während eines routinemäßigen Abfangs eines russischen Tu-95-Bombers vor der Küste Alaskas, aus der Sicht des F-16-Cockpits [23.09.2024]



  1. CupCharacter853 on


    >“On Sept 23, 2024, NORAD aircraft flew a safe and disciplined intercept of Russian Military Aircraft in the Alaska ADIZ.  The conduct of one Russian Su-35 was unsafe, unprofessional, and endangered all – not what you’d see in a professional air force.” – Gen. Gregory Guillot

  2. Couldn’t this be interpreted as a deliberate hostile action, and in turn, warrant a swift AIM-9X response from the F16 pilot?

  3. Private5064 on

    Very simple. Inform them that next time this happens the russian planes will be shot down. When they try again, they will be shot down – message delivered. A bully only understands and respects violence. A bully sees diplomacy as a weakness.

  4. I wonder how this happens in reality. Was it just too much wodka for the russian pilot or did he receive a command like “do a stupid flight maneuver!”.

  5. MinimumSet72 on

    Getting their asses handed to them in Ukraine but pull shit like this on the other side of the world

  6. Many_Assignment7972 on

    And then puts himself in the easiest possible position to get himself shot down! Silly little Russki.

  7. SpankThuMonkey on

    Ngl. When i read the post title i assumed exaggeration.

    But nah that was pretty fuckin’ close.

  8. Pleasant_7239 on

    Chinese pilots do this also. They try to “Flame out ” the American pilots jet engine. He is using his exhaust as a weapon.

  9. XBlackFireX on

    Clear provocation, shoot them down. What’s Russia going to do anyway? Attack the USA?

  10. Atman-Sunyata on

    Clearly not one of those “good ruzzians” we hear so much about…

  11. that Russian pilot is foolish. Something like this could quickly get out of hand.

  12. noproblembear on

    He tried the Maverick move from Top Gun but of course faild. Its a Russia thing.

  13. Recogniz3Wealth on

    It’s the chinese method. Intimidation through any methods.

  14. Recogniz3Wealth on

    Noone wants to fire the first shot. Moral superiority always helps when in a war. You can always say “they started it”.

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