[OC] 2 Jahre Schnorchelqualitätsdaten aus drei Strandregionen auf Maui, Hawaii

Von DeathStarVet

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  1. DeathStarVet on

    Data from 2-years worth of ratings of three beach regions on Maui made by The Snorkel Store, a local beach rental company. Ratings range from 0 (play scrabble) to 10 (perfect conditions). Ratings are sent out in a daily e-mail by the company to people who have rented gear from them.

    Visualization in Microsoft Excel.

    Moving averages are focused around the date in question (i.e. for a 15-day average, the date include 7 days before, 7 days after, and the date in question).

    EDIT: At the beginning of this process, I also asked for historical data. Although The Snorkel Store said they had it, they admitted it would be a pain to send it to me.

    Also, data were not included during the massive wildfires last year.

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