Der Chef des russischen Skiverbandes forderte einen Bombenanschlag auf London


  1. Google translation:

    >The head of the Russian Ski Federation, Yelena Vyalbe, reacted to the ban on athletes from the 404 country to participate in international competitions.

    >”If we had dropped a serious bomb on the center of London, everything would have already ended, and we would have been allowed everywhere. Russia’s struggle with the outside world has been going on for centuries. They have never loved us, even when they pretended to love us. They always stand with a knife behind back,” said the ex-skier.

    >We will remind you that earlier the IBU continued to suspend Russians and Belarusians from international biathlon competitions.

  2. entered_bubble_50 on

    Not that it’s particularly important, but she must have the smallest face on the largest head I’ve ever seen on a human being.

    Are we sure she’s real?

  3. AlexFromOgish on

    OK but duct tape her naked children to the bombs before they’re launched and watch how fast she sings a different tune

  4. Cheapskate2020 on

    If she’s an olympic athlete, then I am definitely Satoshi Nakamoto

  5. PotemkinSuplex on

    Probably her first time in the spotlight since she was an athlete. Reminds me of tereshkoha a little, albeit not as sad.

  6. Imagine the “ski boss” of any other country saying shit like this. They would be removed.

  7. Is there a plan for here to go off the end of a ski ramp in the general direction of Big Ben because that’s a weapon of mass destruction in itself.

    Fucking dickhead.

  8. She seems to be labouring under the misapprehension that the world needs to be friends with Russia, and that we will come crawling back eventually. Good luck with that.

  9. Looks like they used her face as a ski mogul. I wonder if that’s how she got appointed as the Rissian ski mogul…. After the Sims 2 debacle, you can’t put it past ’em

  10. 5G_afterbirth on

    “We shall fight them on the ski slopes. We shall fight them on the lifts. We shall fight them in the alpine hills. We shall never surrender!”

  11. doughtnut2022 on

    Elena [before]( Russia athlete ban.
    Elena [after]( Russia athlete ban.

    Not sure what the joke should be, but let Russians compete in BRICS [games]( and be done with them anywhere else. Putin thugs were still given to [underage](,turmoil%20at%20the%20Beijing%20Games) athlete to win medals (even when competing under the Olympic flag), and still haven’t admit doing systematic state-sponsored subversion of the drug testing (and likely drug usage) surrounding [Sochi 2014](, because Putin is the ultimate responsible of course.

  12. Due_Concentrate_315 on

    Interesting that 10% of the replies to this article concern bombing London and 90% about her fat face.

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